Wednesday, 11 July 2018


Assessment 2 Authentic tasks - Case study analysis report
Type of Collaboration Individual assessment
Marking Criteria Correct identification, use and interpretation of statistical techniques.
Appropriate interpretation of computer output.

Overall, you are required to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills
in this assessment:
 Demonstrate the use of visualising data in presentation of real world data
 Demonstrate the use of statistical concepts/techniques in business data
 Demonstrate how to conduct various hypothesis tests and regression analysis using computer software such as Excel/KaddStat
 Demonstrate the use of computer software to get necessary statistical output
 Demonstrate the skills of preparation of a managerial report
Style and Format Business Report.


This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on your personal approach and feelings on information security and privacy.
Lau, Y. (2015). Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in Hong Kong, Singapore. In Ko, R., & Choo, K.(Eds.). (2015). The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues. Waltham, MA: Syngress.


Assessment task

Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving a brief outline on how to embrace these challenges and opportunities in the workplace.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
  1. Read the article by Argenti, P 2017, ‘Strategic Communication in the C-Suite’, International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 146 – 160 (located on the Blackboard – Assessment Tasks and Submission Task 1).


Quality Dimensions

I have decided to purchase a new tablet computer and am considering the latest Apple iPadPro. I have been an Apple user for the past six years. I have a MacBook, an iPhone and an older iPad, I know that the products are well constructed and I have never had a failure of any Apple product. I heard that Apple products are made in china by Foxcon and have seen the have seen the label saying Designed in California made in china, I have read that foxcon uses up to date quality control in their assembly plant.
I like the retina screen and fast processor in the iPadPro and also like the Apple the Apple Pencil that writes directly on the screen.
I am aware that there are Apple shops that can do authorized repairs but have heard that it can take a week to get the repair done.


In order to find who is buying different types of luxury cars Automobile Association conducted a survey of luxury car buyers. In this case study, data is collected for three types of luxury cars; BMW, Lexus and Mercedes. The ages, household incomes and years of education for each type of luxury car were collected in the survey. The data set is organised as follows:
Column 1: Type of car, 1 for BMW, 2 for Lexus and 3 for Mercedes.
Column 2: Age of the customer
Column 3: Household Income in Dollars
Column 4: Years of Education
Data set is loaded on eLearning site under assignment data.


The first half of this subject focuses on the individual and the specific processes—cognitive or otherwise—that individuals engage in when faced with a decision to make. Your task in this first assessment is to reflect on those processes in the context of your own experience and in accounts found in wider reading, and to identify and critique the specific models and frameworks available to you as a decision-maker.


Please note that bullet points are not acceptable in the 150 word paragraph; responses need to be written in full sentences. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
The following assessment aims to differentiate between the different types of leadership required for developing engaged employees based on awareness and respect of group diversity. It begins the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ preliminary knowledge and awareness about the different types of leadership required to engage a diverse employee workforce.


The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.  

Tuesday, 10 July 2018


The following assessment develops Communication and Social Skills Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ knowledge and awareness about how to run an evidence-based intervention targeted at a specific type of employee so as to develop their communication skills in a professional setting.
You are required to develop a powerpoint presentation. The powerpoint presentation must be supported by references on the final page. It should show how one small part of the Positive leader theory can be turned into a skill development exercise useful in the workplace.  


Read the following quotes:
  1. Jordi (2010, p2)
Reflection is defined as the “activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate it” … cognitive reflection is the key process through which individuals extract knowledge from their concrete experience … [it] requires that we critique the cultural, class, and gender assumptions and prejudices.”
And/ Or

Monday, 9 July 2018


Assessment task
Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving a brief outline on how to embrace these challenges and opportunities in the workplace.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
  1. Read the article by Argenti, P 2017, ‘Strategic Communication in the C-Suite’, International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 146 – 160 (located on the Blackboard – Assessment Tasks and Submission Task 1).


Assessment task
The objective of Assessment 3 is to understand the concept of ‘analysis’ and learn how to analyse information efficiently and effectively using a case study. According to Rosenwaser and Stephen (2009, p. 4), analysis is:
More than just a set of skills, analysis is a frame of mind, an attitude toward experience. It is a form of detective work that typically pursues something puzzling, something you are seeking to understand rather than something you are already sure you have the answers to.
Analysis finds questions where there seemed not to be any, and it makes connections that might not have been evident at first.


Using any programming language of your choice implement the Key Generation procedure of the RSA algorithm.
  • Specifications: The program should take two inputs, non-negative integers a, b, which will define a range within which two random prime numbers p, q will be generated by your program i.e. a <= p,q <= b). The program should select numbers randomly from the range [a,b] and test them for primality. It should continue to do this until it has found two prime numbers that are not equal.
The program should output three values 1) The public key {n, e} 2) The private key {n,d} 3) The values of p and q generated


Assessment Task
Effective communication throughout a workplace is an essential ingredient to align people’s efforts towards achieving organisational goals. Yet it seems that ‘communication problems’ are continually mentioned as one of the main difficulties for most organisations.
Your boss, the CEO of ABC Company, has asked you to prepare a report investigating the question: 'why managers should make effective communication a priority'? In so doing she expects you to examine four issues:
  1. The personal and interpersonal aspects of communication - communicating to persuade and influence others (key points for practicing the art of persuasion) - including personal networks and the grapevine.


Assessment Task
An exciting new approach to teamwork has resulted from advances in information technology, shifting employee expectations and the globalisation of business, namely the virtual team. A virtual team is made up of geographically or organisationally dispersed members who are linked primarily through advanced information and telecommunications technologies.
Your Sydney HQ is developing a new marketing team with team members located in Sydney, New York, Beijing and Mumbai. This will necessitate the establishment of a virtual team spread over four different time zones using both synchronous (real time) and asynchronous (not concurrent) communication. One of the primary advantages of virtual teams is the ability to assemble the most talented group of people to complete a complex project through creativity and innovation.


package javaapplication2;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class GraphingData extends JPanel {
    double[] data = {


  • Introduction
To enable you the opportunity to exercise your learnings from this unit, a scenario simulation has been prepared to provide students the opportunity to make a series of decisions at differing points in the life cycle of an engineering system. The initial objective of this scenario is to allow students to reflect on the role and impact of stakeholder engagement techniques through the life of a project. As the unit progresses you will engage with different aspects of the project, from a corporate and community perspectives through to the design team and the role of virtual teams. 


Part A – Review an Existing Stakeholder Engagement Plan (1,000 words)
You will need to source a stakeholder engagement plan, preferably from your current workplace. Review the plan and assess it against the content provided to date and supplement with any further research to support your assessment.Respond to these key issues;


  • Background
Much of the engagement between parties during a construction project is increasingly becoming ‘virtualised’.
Using the template sheet provided consider the various parties during the construction phase and apply a SWOT analysis towards issues related to the virtual environment, such as;
  • Communications Management
  • Information Management
  • Conflict Management
Develop a 10 minute presentation to be presented in class on the issue. Use the presentation template provided for your presentation.


Assignment Task Description

You are required to analyse the following problems and discuss an appropriate decision making or modelling approach for your proposed solution.
Q5. Lars Van Hoek is about to install a new machine for making parts for domestic appliances. Three suppliers have made bids to supply the machine. The first supplier offers the Basicor machine, which automatically produces parts of acceptable, but not outstanding, quality. 


Part A: 30 Marks
Answer the following questions:
  1. Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2015-2018. Research one such reported incident. Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions. - 15 Marks


The professional scientist

Details of tha project:
DNT-contaminated soil
Concentration of DNT: 50-100 mg/kg
Area to remediate: 50 square meters
Physicochemical properties of the soil:
   . Mixture of clay and sand
   . pH: 7
   . Particle size: >0.42 mm
   . Organic matter: 0.18%


After the successful engagement of your team to develop privacy and personal data protection strategies for the charity, the team has now been engaged to develop a Personally Identifiable Information (PII) privacy and personal data protection strategy for the charity.
Team Setup 
This assignment is the last of the team assignments for this subject. The rationale for using a team approach is that most IT policy formulations are normally conducted by teams of between 2-5 Architects, Information Security experts, Operations and Business leaders for each problem. You are already assigned to a team and the team, as a whole, will be responsible for the development of the policies.


After your successful engagement to provide a security and privacy risk assessment for the charity, you and your team have again been engaged to develop privacy and personal data protection strategies for the charity.
Team Setup 
This assignment is the first of the team assignments for this subject. The rationale for using a team approach is that most IT policy formulations are normally conducted by teams of between 2-5 Architects, Information Security experts, Operations and Business leaders for each problem. You are already assigned to a team and the team, as a whole, will be responsible for the development of the policies.

Sunday, 8 July 2018


This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on your personal approach and feelings on information security and privacy.
Lau, Y. (2015). Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in Hong Kong, Singapore. In Ko, R., & Choo, K.(Eds.). (2015). The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues. Waltham, MA: Syngress.


This assignment is designed to enable you to reflect on privacy, security and ethics based on your studies in this subject. You may include personal approaches and feelings on privacy, security and the ethics of some of these approaches.
The charity scenario introduced in assignment 4. This assignment looked at the practice of Governments divesting some of their administrative functions to NGOs (Non Government Organisations).


You have been engaged to provide a risk assessment for the planned moves to SaaS application offerings.
You are to write a report that assesses the risks to the charity for just their planned moves in the HR area:
    1. Consider the data and information that the charity holds on its employees in the current HR system. 
      1. Establish the existing threats and risks to the security of that data and information contained in the in-house HR database. (10 marks)


  1. Identify an organization that you would like to work with, it can be a department or a part of your institution. (RMIT UNIVERSITY)
  2. Research the organization and the key stakeholders.
  3. Identify a key decision maker – can be a manager or a general manager. If you can get to speak to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), that would be great!
  4. Organize an interview with this key decision maker, informing the person that you would like to study the organization and make recommendations to help the organization to improve.
  5. Prepare a template for the interview e.g. a SWOT analysis framework, to gather information about the internal and external environments.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

HRM503 | International Human Resource Management | Human Resource management

Task Details

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) plays a significant role in organisational effectiveness (Gallup Consulting, 2010; Pfeffer & Veiga, 1999). It is therefore important to adopt SHRM, as opposed to traditional Human Resource Management (HRM), for effective HR decision-making within an organisation. Amongst the abundance of available SHRM models, Jackson and Schuler’s (1995) model includes a variety of macro-level environmental characteristics that influence the implementation of HRM practices, policies and philosophies, and subsequently, influences organisational performance.

The focus of this assignment is to analyse the external operaing environment of a Higher Education (HE) Sector and discuss potential impacts on the HRM functions of a HE provider such as a University. Use Jackson and Schuler (1995) HRM model to analyse the external environment of the HE Sector that you are familiar with. Identify and discuss the factors of the environment and their potential impact on the HRM functions of an HE provider of your choice.                                                                                    

To complete this assignment successfully students at a minimum:
  • Identify a HE provider (e.g. a university) in Australia or in your home country/state/territory. Briefly describe the profile of the HE provider and discuss its mission and vision.
  • Discuss the external environmental factors presented in Jackson and Schuler’s (1995) HRM model.
  • Use Jackson and Schuler model to analyse the factors of the external operating environment of your chosen HE provider.
  • Discuss the different functions of HR. The typical HR functions are:
    • planning, resourcing and retention,
    • recruitment and selection,
    • training and development,
    • remuneration and rewards and
    • employee relations.
  • Discuss the impact of each external environmental factor on the HR functions of the chosen HE provider.


Assignment Extensions

This is a formal assessment task therefore any extension requests must follow the CDU Business School’s formal extension process. For more information follow the link “Business School Assignment Extensions Information” in the CDU Business School – Resource area in the Learnline Home Page of this unit.  

Late Submission

Late assessment submissions incur a penalty of 5% per day past the due date. Your assignment must be formatted with heading.

ENEM 14014 | Capstone Thermo Fluid Engineering | Capstone

Project Title:

Assessments of Energy Performance and Retrofitting of an Institutional Building for Improved Thermal Management

Project Scope:

The development of strategies for efficient and effective energy management in buildings is essential not only for reducing the cost of energy but also to save the environment. Effective HVAC control strategies should be developed for improved thermal energy management. Energy savings of up to 30% or even more can be achieved through introducing proper energy conservation measures (ECM) in existing building without compromising the indoor comfort. The speed and reliability of today’s computers and the availability of suitable energy simulation software with optimization techniques have given us the opportunity to take advantage of thermal design of buildings and to make decision for energy conservation purposes.
According to Commercial Buildings Energy Code, about 65% of electrical energy is used for space conditioning in Australia. Rockhampton is a hot and humid area and Australian Bureau of Meteorology records show that in 2005 Rockhampton had the hottest temperature in this region in 37 years. This clearly indicates that the HVAC system of a building in this region has a huge potential for energy savings. Development of strategies for an efficient energy management is thus very important.                                                   
In this project, the student teams should aim to study energy management strategies for existing heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems of a reference building in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. The details of the building will be provided on the Moodle page. There are many factors to be considered when

considering a HVAC system for a building or industry. Some of these factors are:
  • The comfortable conditions (temperature, humidity, air velocity, air quality, etc.)
  • The installation method, operating procedure and maintenance
  • The cooling and/or heating loads in each zone of the buildings or industry
  • The method of controlling the system to ensure comfortable conditions maintained throughout
  • The identification of energy conservation opportunities through better design, modifications, retrofitting, etc.
The amount of energy use in institutional/office buildings depends on the building envelope, operational efficiency of the HVAC system, fresh air requirement, lighting system and their efficiency, internal plug loads, building operation and maintenance. The first category is the base load, which can be defined as the non-weather dependent energy use. The other category is energy use in the air conditioning plants and systems. This requires the determination of how much energy is used for heating and cooling, through energy use associated with fans and pumps. The aim of this project is to exercise your theoretical thermo-fluid knowledge and skills in a practical application in the area of building HVAC systems.      


You are required to study, analyze and assess the existing air-conditioning system of the building to report whether the thermal performance of the building can be improved. Alternative HVAC systems alone with other ECM measures can be proposed that can be incorporated into building energy management system (BMS) to reduce the building’s energy consumption. Relevant technical data and other information on the existing building will be available on Moodle. Note that any information that is not given is at the the HVAC Engineers’s discretion.
Energy consumption profile and thermal comfort profile should be simulated using available Building Energy Performance Simulation Software, DesignBuilder. The software is available to download at
and you can download a trial version free of charge. The trial version of the software is functional for four weeks only. You / your team will receive the student license from the teaching team later in the term. The software is also accessible in the computer labs for the Engineering students.

Learning Outcome:

This project will assist you to partially achieve the following learning outcomes:
  1. Analyse, explain and evaluate performance characteristics and determine the load on air conditioning and refrigeration plants
  1. Analyse, explain and evaluate mass, energy and heat transfer processes in industrial plant and components, and industrial processes
  1. Apply discipline theories and methods to the problems of designing, implementing, operating and maintaining mechanical systems in industrial contexts
  1. Communicate professionally and provide evidence of personal reflection on, and critical assessment of, team contributions and professional development, and development of technical competence in thermo-fluid engineering
  1. Reflect upon, formulate and solve problems and record and communicate professionally the approach used to resolve problems and the reasons for adopting such approaches to problems

Project Submission:

Your project outcomes should be presented in two formats.
  1. A team project report and a soft copy of the simulation results (DesignBuilder .dsb file). Your submission should have at least the following items:
  • Literature review on latest HVAC systems and their application to different types of buildings and industries
  • Working principle of existing and proposed HVAC systems in the reference study building .
  • Thermal comfort conditions, according to local climatic condition
  • Model development, system definition and classification of whole building into different thermal zones for HVAC control purposes
  • Simulation of energy consumption and indoor thermal environmental profile of the reference building with the existing HVAC system
  • Evaluation of alternative HVAC systems alone with other ECMs in the simulation environment to order to reduce Energy Use Intensity (EUI), i.e. total annual kWh/m2
  • CFD analysis of temperature distribution in the reference building
Your submitted documentation must include a bibliography of the resources you have reviewed and considered to prepare the report. It is anticipated that each team will prepare a comprehensive report with an executive summary, introduction, literature review, schematic / diagram where necessary, methodology, model development, detailed results with comparison and analysis, concluding remarks. The report should also explain the contribution of each team member made in the project in percentage as per the assessment criteria in the unit profile.
  1. An audio-visual (AV) team presentation (10 mins max) and ppt slides - highlighting the findings from the project a week prior to the final submission. Teams are required to submit a recorded presentation with contribution from all team members.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Image result for Week 7 image

In the weeks up to week 7, we’ve learned about various components of the IT Infrastructure.
From week 7, we will look at security and management.
Your task for Assignment 1 is to produce a report that describes the range of features in any of the component types of the topics listed below.  For example, in the first case, we have selected:


Image result for Research Report image

The Australian market is limited by its industries, size, and location. The majority of
Australian businesses are small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) who are
increasingly looking at overseas markets to expand their marketing activities and
grow their business. The Asia Pacific is a region on which a growing number of
Australian businesses are focussing their international marketing activities. Overall, the region’s economies are growing, however, growth and opportunities are different for each country within the region. Although international marketing can provide a range of opportunities for business growth, it is also challenging as each country consists of a distinctive market environment and specific consumers. 
 For this assignment, you will take on the role of an International Marketing The consultant who assists an Australian company with their international market expansion. In assignment 2, you will, therefore, need to understand your client’s products and consumer profile, as well as the industry sector. Based on this knowledge and an analysis of two possible markets in the Asia Pacific (see possible country list), you have to discuss their market attractiveness and challenges and make a justified recommendation for market entry into one of the markets. You have to choose one of the below companies, which will serve as a case study for your assignments 2 and 3.

Provide a brief company and product overview
Industry sector profile (domestic and global)
Develop consumer profiles (company and industry)
  • Research and critically analyze two possible markets in the Asia Pacific (See possible countries list below)
  • Develop a justified recommendation regarding which of the two markets to enter (which they will be the focus of assignment 3)
  • You have to advise no later than by the end of week 4 which company and which two countries you chose for your assignment 2.
Choose two of these markets for assignment 2:
Remember: Assignment 2 is linked to assignment 3 and you will have to focus on
the same business case in assignment 3! Your market recommendation in
assignment 2 will be the market for assignment 3!
Presentation: Assignments are to be typed, with one and a half line spacing, and a
12-point font size. Please also allow for page margins of at least 2cm each. Overall,
adopt a professional approach.
Assessment Client, industry sector and consumers (max 30 marks; 10 each):
•Clearly demonstrate an understanding of your client’s business and product range, the domestic and global industry that it is operating in, as well as the specific and wider consumer markets. (quality of business overview, industry, and consumer profiles)
Market analysis and critical discussion (max 50 marks; 25 for each market):
· Analyse and critically discuss the two chosen international markets utilizing an appropriate framework for analysis. (depth of analysis, criticality, and use of an appropriate framework)


Justified recommendation (max 10 marks):
· Develop a justified recommendation on which market the company should focus their international expansion on. (quality of justification)
The written report and referencing (max 10 marks):
· Paper is written in a report style and structured to support argumentation and readability; contains correct spelling and grammar; within the word limit. Application of the CDU Harvard referencing style guide for in-text citation and reference list.
(clarity of report structure, flow, and readability, quality of writing, word limit, correct format of references and reference list)
Please note: You need to research appropriate data and resources from a range of credible sources. This can include (but not exclusively) country and government information, industry data and reports, reports from respectable consultancy companies, professional media outlets, as well as academic journals and books. The quality and relevance of the used sources are likely to have a huge influence on the quality of your report. If in doubt, ask your lecturer.
Penalties: Late Submissions
· Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof).
· You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process.


Image result for Organisational Strategy And Leadership imageUNIT DESCRIPTION

This postgraduate unit introduces the major themes, principles, and practices of strategic management. The unit critically reviews a number of strategic management models and emphasizes the importance of effective leadership. It also explores the role of leadership in developing sound and effective organizational strategy.

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