Sunday, 25 February 2018

BSBRES4Ol | Analyze and Present Research Information Assignment Brief | Information Technology

Assessment Task 3:

Select a case study from the list below and address the following points.

  • Determine the stakeholders including two health care professionals in the case scenario;
  • Differentiate the ethical and legal conflicts and explain them from the following perspectives:
    • The dignity and rights of all stakeholders in this case
    • The principles and virtues of health care ethics that inform professional practice
    • The relevant codes of ethics and/or codes of professional conduct
  • Propose a legally and ethically defensible resolution to these conflicts

HI6026 | Audit Assurance and Compliance Assignment | Other


  1. This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
  2. It is the responsibility of all students who have their name on the submitted work, to ensure that the work is in fact done by the group. NB: Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without giving appropriate acknowledgement is academic malfeasance. Students should review all assignments for plagiarism checking (self-check) on Blackboard before final submission of hardcopy in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
  3. Maximum marks available: 20 marks (e.g. 200/10 = 20).
  4. Due date of submission: Friday Week 10, T2\ 2016
  5. Assignment should be of an appropriate length (over 2,000; but under 4,000 words.

MAT5212 Biostatistics Assignment Brief

Submission Guidelines

  • Full marks will be gained by complete solutions to all questions. Marks for each question are given.
  • Answer the questions in the order given and start each question (not each part of a question) on a new page.
  • Be clear and concise. Show all of your working. Answers to the Biostatistics assignment problems need to be written up in grammatically correct English. Failure to do so will result in deduction of marks.
  • The assignment solutions must be your own work. Each submission from your assignment must have a completed coversheet attached and be submitted on or before the due date. You are reminded of the declaration:

Company Law Assignment Brief


You must answer the two problem-type questions below, using the ILAC (Issues, Law, Application, and Conclusion) format, a worked example of which is in the Resources folder. 
**In this subject, assignments are marked on-line, using an adapted MS Word programme. You therefore MUST submit your assignment in Word format, NOT as a PDF document. If you submitin PDF it will not be able to be marked.**  

BULAW5914 | Commercial Law Assignment Brief | Law


This BULAW5914 commercial law that requires forward planning and adequate time for research, reading and reflecting. It comprises 35% of your assessment in this subject.
You should begin researching early to gather information and establish a plan as soon as possible.

HLSC122 | Inquiry in Health Care Assignment | Health

Assessment Format

Students are directed to use the table to show their search and refinement of the search, located in the text by Richardson-Tench, Taylor, Kermode and Roberts (2016, p. 47) within the body of the essay. This table should be labelled as per APA format guidelines, by placing a title for the table above where it is inserted into the body of the essay (Table 1. Search Process and Refinement). Students are instructed to refer to the HLSC122 Inquiry in health care essay unit outline (pp. 14-15) and the marking rubric (pp. 16-17), as well as this guide when completing this assessment task.

Law of Torts Assignment Brief

Assessment 1

  • Question 1
  • Scenario A
  • Issue
  • Law
  • Application
  • Scenario B
  • Issue
  • Law
  • Application
  • Conclusion
The same structure can be used for question two. You may also opt for addressing both scenarios simultaneously.

Childhood Obesity Research Assignment Brief

Assessment Requirements

1. An in-depth description of your chosen research methodology, including the required stages.(Up to 3 marks maybe awarded for the a) accuracy of your description of your research methodology and a further 3 marks for the b) quality of rationale for using this methodology).

COIT20261 | Basic Routing and Switching Assignment Brief | Information Technology


This assessment task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of basic routing concepts by completing a number of exercise questions.The questions contain various numerical as well as descriptive questions covering the material from Weeks 1 to 9. Question #4 requires you to research further and then demonstrate knowledge of advanced concepts.
Completing these questions should help you to achieve the course learning outcomes as listed in the course profile.

Quality management Assignment Brief

Rationale for Assessment

The purpose of this assessment Is to provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate you have achieved learning outcome 3- research and formulate quality management policies and Processes to support a continuously Improving health organization. In this assessment structure You will exhibit the capacity to develop policies and systems in a range of areas that will support the effective and productive operation of a health services or product business.

MGT5105 | Managing Organizational Behavior Assignment | Management

4a. Individual Reflection on Group Consulting Experience.

Teamwork is an important skill in today’s workplace whether it’s ViitU1 teams or face-to-face. In s class you will be sharpening your teamwork skill; much of your coursework will be done collaboratively and virtually. This individual assignment asks you to reflect on your team experience and connect it to concepts and theories presented in the course and in your Korn-Ferry assessments (from MGT 5000). You are asked to describe how your group/team evolved over the terni of the course including:

Vulnerable People Assignment Brief


Read Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council's (2013) paper relating to risk assessment, in particular, Section 4 entitled Risk Assessment framework and Section 5 entitled Application of Risk Assessment Model.
Discuss what you have learnt from undertaking this reading.

Planning the Food Production Assignment Brief

(1-1)Menu: Caesar salad + dressing 4S

  1. Clean and separate the cos leaves and refresh in a colander
  2. Chop the bacon. Slice the anchovies. Peel and crush the garlic. Dice the bread.
  3. Poach the eggs and refresh
  4. Prepare the Caesar dressing.
  5. Fry the bacon and garlic in the olive oil, remove.
  6. Add the diced bread and fry for croutons.
  7. Place the heat leaves onto chilled plates.
  8. Tear the remaining leaves into bite-size pieces, pat dry and place into a bowl. Pour the dressing over and combine until lightly coated.
  9. Add some fried croutons, bacon and anchovy fillets. Toss through and place onto the plates.
  10. Finish with the remaining bacon, Parmesan, croutons, poached egg and anchovy fillets.

Finance Project Assignment Brief

Assessment Task 2

Rationale for Assessment:

The purpose of this assessment is to provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate you have achieved learning outcomes for analyze legislative financial system requirements in New Zealand businesses and not for profit organizations and design budgets. Financial plans and proposal for a health safety organization and applied health project or programmed. In this assessment you win exhibit the capacity to understand and implement legislative financial system requirement in New Zealand and develop systems that will support the effective and productive operation of a health business or organization.

Professional Roles and Communication Assignment

Assessment task one

Assignment topic: professional roles and communication: why is healthcare provided by a team of different professionals? How do we achieve this?
How to get started

1. What do i have to do?

What the outline says…
To successfully complete this assessment task, you are required to answer the following questions:

COIT20265 | Network Redesign and Development Assignment | Information Technology

Wide Area Networks (WANs) in TCU

Figure 1 outlines the complex WAN infrastructure TCU currently uses to support its operations.
A mesh of three T3 leased lines connects the Headquarters, Operations (Data Centre) and Backup sites. These lines operate at 44.7 Mbps, providing redundancy between the major facilities.
Each campus building connects to the major facilities via a Frame Relay network: one 56kbps PVC2 leading to the Operations and 56 kbps PVC3 leading to the Backup facility, most of the time. There are ISDN backup lines in case of Frame Relay failure (Note that PCV1 represents two aggregate PVCs of 56 kbps each. PVC2 and PVC3 are both 56kbps). By the same token, the 12 educational partners are connected to TCU via a frame relay network of 56kbps. As shown in the diagram, TCU uses two separate ISPs for Internet connection via T1 leased lines.

Strategic Marketing Management Assignment Brief


Please write an essay along the following guidelines:
  • Analyze and critique the ‘new marketing paradigm concept and its implications on competition in marketing. Specifically, conduct a critical review of contemporary literature on the ‘globalization of markets’ concept and its implications on competition in marketing.
    • Explain the ‘new marketing paradigm’ concept. In your explanation, clearly show the link between ‘new marketing strategy’ concept and competition in marketing.

CIS8004 | Enterprise Planning and Implementation Assignment Brief | Information Technology


All assessment items are individual submissions. You are asked to submit the assignment though the link provided.
You are encouraged to discuss the with others to improve your understanding and to clarify requirements, but you should develop the solutions to the assessment items on your own.

Management Support Systems Assignment Brief


Management support system uses the information resource which helps to manage the information   for planning and decision making. Information provided by the internal and external data system. By these information is help to achieve the goal of organization. Management support system is a process for store, retrieve, evaluate the information and make a frame work planning, performance, controls, financial, personal information, and production.

Business and Corporate Law Assignment Brief

Subject Overview

This subject examines key Australian legal concepts and issues directly relevant to business operations. It covers the structure of the Australian legal system, sources of law, statutory interpretation, the court system and the doctrine of precedent. It then examines substantive areas of tort, contract, agency, and the difference between various types of business organizations before focusing on corporate law, including the way in which corporations are formed, rules regulating internal relationships within corporations, relationships with outsiders, the duties of directors and other officers, fundraising and the termination of corporations, with a particular focus on liquidation.

NUR5204 | Health Professional Education Assignment Brief | Health

Details of task

An international trend in health professional education has seen active learning approaches to teaching and learning replacing more traditional approaches. In preparation for facilitation of active learning the teacher needs to be able to demonstrate knowledge of the theories, concepts and principles that underpin active learning. This NUR5204 health professional education assignment requires you to include the following in an academic discussion paper.

Ethical Decision Making Assignment Brief


We all know that there is one ‘ethical’ answer to most of life’s problems. So making an ethical decision should be easy. Life, however, is complicated and we may have to make a decision against competing interests. This essay is designed to assist you in thinking about options, not a test of your ethical stance. Remember ethical decisions are made by people, not companies or organisations. You will need to undertake some research to understand the context of the problem Critically evaluate the situation below. Describe what actions you could take. There are a number of competing stakeholders who would be affected by your decisions, including yourself. Outline the possible outcomes of those actions and how they will affect the different stakeholders.

Digital Audit and Target Audience Analysis Assignment Brief

1. Introduction: An introduction so that the reader understands who the client is, who they are targeting and any information that is relevant to the Digital Audit.
2Digital Audit (use the template) and recommendations: If you don't have room to include these recommendations on the template then include them under a separate heading after the template in your document.

Mental Health Assignment Brief



This assessment aims to enhance students learning related to contemporary mental health issues including reasoning, critical thinking, reflection and care planning. The essay will provide an opportunity for students to be analytical and synthesize information within the expectations of academic writing.  Students will be provided with two contemporary mental health topics with the choice of one to be submitted. The discussion is to be supported with relevant and credible references. 
Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) individuals are known to experience rates of mental illness far above the national average, with suicide rates significantly higher in some communities.  Discuss the social and cultural factors that are associated with higher rates of mental illness and suicide, and identify one evidence?based strategy to address this.

BK212 | Marketing Research Assignment Brief | Marketing

BK212 Marketing Research Assignment Brief

This BK212 marketing research assignment brief is a part of bachelor of business and it is a special supplementary assignment that has weightings 25%. We focus in this assignment about the research study of marketing and ethical standards of a company.
given below are a couple of variables taken from Karagiannidis (2008) research. You are required to answer this assignment’s questions from the given data below:

Real Estate Project Assessment

Task A: Working in an Agency

Read the following scenario and write short answers to the questions that follow.
You have just received your Certificate of Registration and have got your first job at Preets Real Estate Project Assessment. You will be meeting with the principle – Peter McGibbon – to discuss your role and your future with Preets. Review the tasks below to help your prepare.

E-Business Prototype Assignment Brief

Assessment Objective

This assessment Items relates to course learning outcomes:
  •  Articulate the recent developments in e-business industry and its likely future directions.
  • Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment and security systems in a corporate setting.
  • Formulate and critically evaluate the impact of e-business strategies on organizational processes and outcomes.

Australian Taxation Law Assignment Brief

Schedule A


Issue 1

  • On 1 August 2014 Andrew purchased a warehouse located in Melbourne from where he operates his clothing manufacturing business management. The warehouse was built in 2008. He paid $1,000,000 for the land and the construction cost of the building was $800,000. He commenced business at this location on 1 September 2014.
  • On 2 September 2014 Andrew spent $30,000 repairing the building’s rusted tin roof.
Advise Andrew of the tax consequences of the above transactions.

Management Accounting Assignment Brief

Question 1

A government department is required by government policy to establish a strategic plan and to develop methods for measuring the performance of the strategic initiatives. In other words, it must implement a strategic-based responsibility accounting system. One possibility that is being explored for satisfying this mandate is the use of the Balanced Scorecard. This strategic management approach has been successfully used u the private sector. However, in governmental settings, outcomes are based on mission success rather than financial success. This fundamental difference creates a number of interesting questions:

ITECH1005-5005 | business Information Systems Assignment Question | Business


To analyze a set of data (in Microsoft Excel), and write a ITECH1005-5005 business information systems assignment question, identifying and explaining your insights into the operation of Trade Fair organized by “Latrobe Valley Product Gallery”.

Learning Objectives

In the process of this assessment task you will:
  • plan, schedule and execute project tasks with a view to improving your personal productivity;
  • gain awareness of some typical issues related to the operation of a small-to-medium size business;
  • use the functionality of Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 to manipulate data, analyze it and visualize it in tabular and chart form; and
  • use the functionality of Microsoft Word to write a brief report of your business observations and recommendations.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Metro Hospital Assignment Brief


You have recently been employed as the Director of Informatics for the Metro Hospital in Brisbane. The Metro Hospital is a 363 bed facility on the North side of Brisbane. The services include general surgical, general medical, oncology, vascular, ear, nose and throat, palliative care, ophthalmology and maternity and children’s services.  It has good links with the Division of General Practitioners in the local area. Your mandate is to lead the hospital to achieve level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by 2025. The hospital has a number of health care information systems and is currently at EMR Level 4. As a Health Informatics Professional, you took the job for this reason as you have always wanted to work in a fully electronic environment. You are certainly driven to achieve it. Using the below points, outline how you intend on achieving this.

Business Project Management Assignment Brief

Assessment 2 PowerPoint slides

  1. Project Key dates;
  2. Project Objectives;
  3. Project Assumptions;
  4. Cost benefits;
  5. WBS, OBS, (Define the project team roles and responsibilities, please complete this exercise via MS Project);
  6. Critical Path (from the WBS using MS Project);
  7. Team Organization Structure;

Macro Economy Assignment Brief

Economic Outlook and Macroeconomic Policy

The key pillars of macroeconomic policy are fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy.
  • Examine Australia’s recent economic performance and provide an overview of the current economic outlook. Critically review the governments’ policy approach to meeting the key domestic challenges identified. (10 Marks)

Project Management Assignment Brief


For this project management assignment brief assessment, you examine project management from a project initiation and selection perspective and describe different methods of selecting projects. You also consider the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guide’s life cycle stages and processes. More specifically, you explore project selection and statements of work.

HI6026 | Auditing and Assurance Assignment Brief | Economics


  • This HI6026 auditing and assurance assignment brief is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
  • It is the responsibility of all students who have their name on the submitted work, to ensure that the work is in fact done by the group. NB Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without giving appropriate acknowledgement is academic malfeasance. Students should review all assignments for plagiarism checking (self-check) on Blackboard before final submission of hardcopy in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject help Outline and Student Handbook.
  • Maximum marks available: 20 marks
  • Due date of submission
  • Assignment should be of an appropriate length (2,000-4,000 words). Please use “word-count” and include in report

Leadership Management Assignment

Leadership Management Assignment

This is a Assessment of Leadership Management Assignment in which we discuss Leadership styles, Leadership and cultural awareness and influences on leadership for mini essay Assignment help.

EEB309 | Essay Writing Assignment | Writing

Assessment Item 1


Using the assignment 2 equity essay task, resources from video and study skills together with modules 2 & 3 you will provide responses in your personal journal (Interact 2) to the following questions:

Research Proposal Project Assignment Brief

Assessment 2

Research proposal project

In which students develop their own research proposal of a subject of research interest within the allied health sector. The research proposal should.
Indicate a literature review with 2 studies on the subject of research proposal

BUS7371 | Advanced Operations Management Assignment Brief | Management

Faculty of Business and Information Technology Policies and Guidelines

This BUS7371 advanced operations management assignment brief course is governed by the regulations and policies published by Whitireia New Zealand. You are required to comply with these regulations and policies found in the Whitireia Student Manual. For more information on Enrolment, Assessment, Health and Safety, Quality, Student Services, and policies on Academic Concerns, Student Discipline and Complaints, please refer to the student programme handbook in Model

Research Regulatory Requirements Assignment Brief

Assessment 2

Project B

You are to provide a detailed report that outlines all the steps involved in setting up a hospitality business in the local city. This should include:
  • Company Name & ABN
  • Building regulations
  • Planning permits
  • Third party insurance if required

Training and Development Assignment Brief

Assessment: Individual Assignment


  • Cover page with: School name; program name; course name and code, topic title, your name, semester, assignment number, and submission date.
  • Font: 12 point Times new Roman; 1.5 line spacing; 2.5 margins
  • Please use numbered headings to separate each section

Advanced Corporate Finance Assignment Brief

Advanced Corporate Finance

This advanced aorporate ainance assignment Brief consists of one piece of work divided into two parts. You should ensure that you answer all the sections.
Beverages & Spirits Ltd (B&S Ltd) has been manufacturing beverages. In recent years B&S Ltd has noted that its costs have risen substantially and it is considering closing one or more of its food production plants

International Business Culture Assignment Brief

Case Study: Monsieur Hulot

case study of Port Phillip Pharmaceuticals (PB) is an Australian company with agencies worldwide. Its international manager, Jo Barnes, makes several trips each year to visit these outposts. She is also in regular contact with the various local managers, mostly by email.

Information Security Management Assignment Brief


The second assignment requires you to apply research skills and information security management assignment brief theory to the same organization that you chose for the first assignment, however, this time you will focus attention on Risk Management. Read the “Assignment Brief” section first to get a general idea, then complete the tasks detailed for the assignment. This assignment aligns with the Course Learning Outcomes #5 – to analyse risk theories and how they are applied to the protection of assets, and #6 – reflect, and critically evaluate ethical issues that relate to the practice of information security. Like the first assignment, this one also aligns with the University’s Graduate Attributes in respect of acquiring research skills.To prepare for this assignment, you need to pre-study chapter 8 Risk Management Identifying and Assessing Risk” in Whitman & Mattoid, 4th edition. This chapter gives you a basic grounding in the subject of risk management.

Research Proposal Assignment Brief


You are to write a formal proposal (word count 1,000 - 1,500 not including cover sheet or list of references) for your industry project. The proposal includes a brief description of the area of investigation, project aims, and how you plan to undertake what you have just described

BSB07DIP0040 | Management Principles Assignment Brief | Management

Project Criteria and Requirements

In this BSB07DIP0040 management principles assignment brief, you will be required to conduct a research project and produce a written report of approximately 1,500-2,200 words in length.You need to develop an operational plan and create a Gantt Chart plus budget for implementing the operational plan you are working on. You will need to assign resources (such as physical, human, etc.). You will also need to create a report that describes your organisation’s continuous improvement processes.

Policy Analysis Framework Assignment Brief

Assessment item 1


Read: Units 2 and 9 and Units 4 to 7, if necessary critically and comparatively review the three policy analysis frameworks of Peter Levin, Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. and People, P. R. & and Leighninger, L. (about 1,500 words).
Further, by employing one of the policy analysis frameworks you have reviewed or based on your critical review by developing your own policy analysis framework, critical analysis one policy of your interest (about 2,000 words).

Nursing Schedule Planning Assignment Brief

Assessment 1


You are a graduate nurse working on a medical ward. You have been allocated the following patient:
Nicholas Soprano is 76 years of age with a past history of cardiac failure, Stage 2 (moderate) renal impairment, hypertension, an AMI in 2004 and Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GORD). Nicholas requires medical and nursing practices management to treat the exacerbation of his Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF) that has resulted in his admission to the ward.

Menu Development Requirement Assignment Brief

Assessment Agreement

This menu development requirement assignment brief is Assessment Agreement outlines the rules that govern all assessments at Stanley College. An Assessment Agreement must be signed for each unit of competence you complete. No assessments will be accepted for marking without a completed and signed Assessment Agreement. Your trainer will collect this Assessment Agreement in class

Assignment on History of world architecture


Students will watch a 25-minute documentary entitled Archie culture about architectural education and answer questions about the documentary on a worksheet.  Some of the questions will require students to do independent internet research and get writing help
  1. What School of Architecture is featured in this documentary?Where is it located?(.50 point)
  2. According to one student, how do incoming students first think about architecture?How do their views change once they enter architecture school? (.50 point)

Recent Questions

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