Tuesday, 13 March 2018

HNCB | Construction Technology | Construction

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Discuss the terminology used in construction technology.
LO2 Describe the different techniques used to construct a range of substructures and superstructures, including their function and design selection criteria.
LO3 Identify the different types of civil engineering infrastructure technology used in support of buildings.
LO4Illustrate the supply and distribution of a range of building services and how they are accommodated within the building.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

TASKS are as stated below as separate tasks for Ps, Ms and Ds : namely task P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, M1, M2, M3, D1, and D2.


You have been appointed to prepare an initial conceptual design and implementation report on a Hotel building complex near the motorway that links an international airport in the UK, Heathrow to the specific. The site of this complex is separated from the motorway by a large fast flowing Stream that flows parallel to the motorway and finally finds its way into the River Thames .This Stream which is about 10m wide lies in the middle (that is midway) of the one kilometre land space between the chosen Hotel Complex site and the motorway.
The Client who is a private investor needs a five storey framed Hotel building(s) to accommodate 200 guests and is proposed together with some inter-connecting Infrastructure with the Motorway which is not only necessary but required as a key element of the project; the building frame provides the structure for a series of high specification living hotel rooms and suites that are intended to be built in the south of England, around Heathrow Airport. The Hotel complex can be developed with steel or concrete or a combination of both. The access infrastructure road can be flexible or rigid and the bridge across the stream and the walkway across the motorway can be made of either r c concrete or steel, all in line with your choices.


LO1 Explain the terminology used in construction technology
P1 Describe the overall differences between residential, commercial and industrial buildings
P2 Explain how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria are informed by proposed building use in general and with respect to the scenario provided.
P3 Explain concisely the concept of sustainability in construction. Discuss the ways in which sustainability can be promoted in building projects
M1 Apply the terminology used in construction technology to a given building construction project, for example, the hotel complex above or otherwise.
D1 Evaluate how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria impact on the eventual design solution and further apply this to the scenario provided.



LO2 Describe the different techniques used to construct a range of substructures and superstructures, including their function and design selection criteria
P4 Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site (You can use the scenario or otherwise).
 P5 Explain some of the key functional characteristics and design criteria for primary and secondary elements of a building substructure, superstructure and associated infrastructure.
M2 Analyse and discuss how site conditions impact on the design of foundations.
M3 Identify some construction elements in a building project. Further, lllustrate how the component parts of an element allow it to fulfil its function.


LO3 Identify the different types of civil engineering/infrastructure technology used in support of buildings (For this task, using the scenario provided can be appropriate)
P6 Describe techniques used for remediating the site prior to construction commencing
P7 Describe the types of substructure works carried out by civil engineers.
M4 Compare different types of structural frame used to carry the primary and secondary elements of the superstructure.
D2 Prepare a design report identifying superstructure, substructure and civil engineering structures necessary for a given building construction project


LO4 Illustrate the supply and distribution of a range of building services and how they are accommodated within the building (The use of the scenario provided is advised)
Task 4 (a)
P8 Describe the supply arrangements for primary services.
P9 Explain the distribution arrangements for primary services.
M5 Demonstrate the elements of the superstructure used to facilitate the primary services.
Task (4b) LO4
D3 Appraise how the distribution of the primary services impact on the overall design of the building.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
  Pass  Merit   Distinction  
  LO1 Explain the terminology used in construction technology.  D1 Evaluate how the functional 
         characteristics and design 
  P1 Describe the differences M1 Apply the terminology used in  selection criteria impact on the 
     eventual design solution. 
  between residential, commercial construction technology to a   
  and industrial buildings. given building construction     
  P2 Explain how the functional project.     
  characteristics and design        
  selection criteria are informed        
  by proposed building use.        
  P3 Discuss the ways in which        
  sustainability can be promoted in        
  building projects.        
  LO2 Describe the different techniques used to construct a range  D2 Prepare a design report 
  of substructures and superstructures, including their function  identifying superstructure, 
  and design selection criteria.     substructure and civil 
         engineering structures necessary 
  P4 Describe the pre-design M2 Analyse how site conditions  for a given building construction 
  studies carried out and types of impact on the design of   
  information collected for a given foundations.     
  construction site. M3 Illustrate how the component     
  P5 Explain the functional parts of an element allow it to     
  characteristics and design fulfil its function.     
  criteria for primary and        
  secondary elements of a building        
  substructure and superstructure.        
LO3 Identify the different types of civil engineering/infrastructure technology used in support of buildings
P6 Describe techniques used forM4 Compare different types of 
remediating the site prior tostructural frame used to carry 
construction commencingthe primary and secondary 
 elements of the superstructure 
P7 Describe the types of  
substructure works carried out  
by civil engineers.  
LO4 Illustrate the supply and distribution of a range of buildingD3 Appraise how the distribution 
services and how they are accommodated within the buildingof the primary services impact 
  on the 
  overall design of the building 
P8 Describe the supplyM5 Demonstrate the elements of
arrangements for primarythe superstructure used to  
services.facilitate the primary services.  
P9 Explain the distribution   
arrangements for primary   

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