- To professionally implement an ICT-related project and communicate the analysis and evaluation with stakeholders;
- To describe and demonstrate understanding of the project and how it supports a business or organisational need;
- To identify appropriate objectives and learning strategies to achieve future goals and project success.
The resource materials, including lecture notes and workshops in CSC3600 and the previous courses you have undertaken.
- Your team is to develop project plan documentation for your project. This documentation should be a single document covering at least the following parts:
- Title Page (including project title, team members and your supervisor)
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Project Specification
- Section 3: Project Design
- Section 4: Time and Cost Management Plan
- Section 4.1: Work break-down Structure and Task Scheduling
- Section 4.2: Time and Cost Estimation
- Section 4.3: Project Schedule
- Section 5: Communication Management Plan
- Section 6: Quality Management Plan
- Section 7: Risk Management Plan
- Section 8: Team Contract (Code of Conduct)
- Section 9: Conclusion
- References
- Appendix: Contribution statement
- – (Statement that all team members contributed equally to work related to the creation of this document OR a statement of requiring for conducting the assessment of team effectiveness.)
- Sub-sections and headings should be added to the document per agreement within your team;
- You are required to negotiate the content of the planning documentation with your team members and your supervisor.
- The supervisor will assist and discuss the project and provide guidance on the content of your project planning documentation.
- Refer to the Sample Project Planfor more details.
General Requirements
- It is your responsibility to ensure that all aspects of the assessment rubric are covered by this document.
- You should ensure that your work is legible, professionally laid out and that you have checked the spelling and grammar.
- Submit the assignment through Assignment 2 Submission Portal.
- For a team consisting of all CSC8600 students, only one copy of the document should be submitted. It is preferable that the document is submitted from the team leader’s account.
- For a team mixing of CSC3600 and CSC8600 students, separate copies of the document should be prepared and submitted for CSC3600 and CSC8600 against their instructions respectively.
- Students claim their contributions (as well responsibility to the document contents) by signing off the document. Thus, all team members should sign the documentbefore submission to receive the grade.
- If a document does need to be submitted with absence of any member’s signature, a statement needs to be attached to the document explaining why the member(s)’ signature(s) is missing in the submission.
- A possible free tool for communication for e-signature is Adobe®EchoSign®. Note all parties need to register an account before being able to communicate with others and sign a document.
- Email confirmation counts if physical signature or e-signature (like above) are not possible or preferable. For such a case please attach email confirmations from all members to the end of the document.
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