Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Additional Assessment Instructions to Assessor:
Reasonable adjustment:  Trainers may make reasonable allowances for learners in accordance with the C&I Learner Support Policy contained in the Participant Handbook. This may relate to the timeframe for undertaking this assessment task in class or relate to an extension to the due date.  Consult with the Curriculum & Learning Manager prior to administering this assessment to ensure Learner Support needs are met.
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
  • communicate effectively with customers including
    • helping customers to articulate their needs and evaluate options
    • explaining products/services and how they match customer needs
    • establishing regular communication
    • explaining customer rights and responsibilities
    • address customer’s needs
    • use organisational procedures to document customer satisfaction
    • develop and maintain networks to support meeting customer needs
    • identify potential difficulties in meeting customer needs and taking appropriate action.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
  • explain organisational procedures and standards for establishing and maintaining customer service relationships
  • describe informed consent
  • explain consumer rights and responsibilities
  • describe ways to establish effective regular communication with customers
  • outline details of products or services including with reference to:
  • possible alternative products and services
  • variations within a limited product and service range.


Assessment Conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the customer service field of work and include access to:
  • office equipment and resources
  • business technology
  • organisational policies, procedures, quality systems, manuals and guidelines for customer management
  • examples of products/services and promotional strategies
  • case studies and, where possible, real situations
  • interaction with others.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
  • identify or confirm research requirements and objectives
  • gather, organise and present workplace information and data
  • update, modify, maintain and store information
  • maintain and handle data and documents systematically and securely
  • prepare and produce reports including:
  • recommendations based on the analysis of information
  • clear and justified assumptions and conclusions
  • use of efficient, valid and reliable methods
  • use Boolean operators and other search tools
  • analyse, evaluate and interpret data to support organisational activities.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
  • explain organisational systems for recordkeeping/filing, including security procedures
  • identify organisational policies and procedures and legal and ethical obligations relating to workplace information
  • explain concepts related to research and analysis including reliability and validity
  • give examples of techniques for data analysis and how they are applied
  • explain research processes and strategies to identify new sources (online and print) of information and to use them most efficiently and effectively.

Assessment Conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the knowledge management – research field of work and include access to:
  • workplace information systems, equipment and resources
  • workplace policies and procedures
  • case studies and, where possible, real situations.
Choose one (1) company that you would like to work for and choose one (1) type of product or service that they offer in your chosen field of expertise. Using the research skills you garnered in your undergraduate study, collect, organise, interpret & analyse the following customer service information from your chosen company into a professional report. You may wish to interview someone who is working in this company as a part of your research. Please reference all valid sources of your information (both on-line and non-electronic). Answer the following questions in a professional business report style format and upload in Moodle. (Minimum 750-1000 words)
    1. What is the name of the company, their vision & mission, their location & the customer services and/or products that they provide?
    2. Who are their customers & what are their customer segments? Describe how you researched this online using specific words and phrases (Boolean operators) to ensure you got valid & reliable information.
    3. How does this company determine what their customer’s needs are? (Use specific evidence based research examples and explain how this helps identify the customer needs).
    4. Explain the role of promotional strategies in targeting customer’s needs using a specific promotional strategy used by this company for this product or service.
    5. What procedures does the company have in place to ensure that their promotional strategies are up to date and relevant to the customer’s needs? Please include numerical data such as sales figures etc
    6. What products or services are offered by the company to each segment & why? (Identify where the company meets the specific needs of the customer in the service or the product and how they match the product or service to these needs). Support this answer with evidence & analysis from your research.
    7. What are some areas of the customer’s need that may not be met by this product or service? (Include any difficulties that you can envisage with the way the product or service is marketed? Support this answer with evidence & analysis from your research.
    8. What alternative products or services are there in the same market? List three (3) and briefly describe their advantages & disadvantages.
    9. If you were working for this company describe how would you assist your customer in determining what they needed from this product or service? What alternatives could you offer them in the product range? How would you prioritise what the customer’s needs were?
  1. What rights do the customers have with regards to faulty products or unsatisfactory services? (Quote relevant legislation, ethical obligations, Codes of Practice, Policies & Procedures, Terms and Conditions, Product Disclosure Statements & identify how & when they are applied and what each one means for the consumer).
  2. What procedures would you put in place if you were working in this company to ensure that all referrals for the product or service are relevant and matching to the needs of the customer?
  3. What events and networks would you need to attend and/or maintain to ensure that you had an ongoing pipeline of referrals? Give two (2) examples one internal and one external and why you consider these two be the most important.
  4. Imagine you are the owner, manager or team member of the company you have picked. Your task is to research current best practice in maintaining customer records and customer interaction history and then describe / suggest what your company will do to achieve best practice in these areas.  You are required to document the process including how your company manages customer satisfaction, customer confidentiality and customer security? How do your recommendations compare with what currently exists in the company?
  5. Finally, who would you distribute this report to if you were working in this company and why? Who would you seek feedback from to ensure that your findings were suitable & sufficient for organisational requirements?


 you include answers to the questions above in a report format using the style guideprovided below.

Structure of reports should be flexible but generally follow:
  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion/Recommendations
  • Appendices
  • References
Introduction should do the following:
  • present an overview of the subject matter
  • describe the research methods
  • identify the findings (can use bullet points)
  • list recommendations (can use bullet points)
  • use language appropriate to audience and purpose.
Body text
Body text should be ordered into clear sections with sub-sections if required. Text should contain analysis of findings and should be written using paragraphs.
Language uses plain English as follows:
  • active verbs
  • present tense
  • accurate language with any jargon explained
  • formal English tone
  • no contractions

General presentation

  • use consistent format including fonts and styles
  • use font size 10-12 for body text
  • use 1.5 spacing
  • one line between paragraphs
  • justify text
  • use same font style for all headings
  • use section headings
  • your name and date in footer
  • include page numbers
  • use correct citation for all references used.


Develop a script for a role play using the scenario below. The role play will be based on the product or service that you chose to research in Part One where you are engaging with the customer to help them purchase a product or service that would best suit their identified customer needs. You must ensure that in the role play you are addressing this key requirement and applying all of the performance criteria in the Assessor Observation Guide below. Be prepared to answer the Mandatory Questions and any or all of the random questions listed in the Assessor Observation Guide below.


Your customer is from a culturally diverse background, different from your own. Ensure you include advice and suggestions on the product and/or service in your solution for your customer’s identified needs that involves knowledge that you have acquired from your network contacts and/or research findings e.g. complementary products or services. You will need a colleague acting as the customer in your role play.  The role play should last for no longer than 10 minutes.
Assessor Observation Report (Assessor to complete only)
You are to observe a role play and offer feedback based on the determined criteria in the table below. A mark of Satisfactory (S) means that the criteria have been met. A mark of Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) means that additional learning or evidence is required. Note: It is compulsory for the trainer to provide feedback in the comments section.

Participant’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Performance Criteria Satisfactory/Not Yet Satisfactory  Comments
Greeted the customer in a professional manner     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Used effective communication skills to identify the customer needs e.g. listening and questioning skills     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Used empathy to understand the customer’s perspective     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Identified solutions to the problem by working with the customer     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Provided clear communication about the customer’s rights and responsibilities according to their organisational  and legislative guidelines     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Demonstrated knowledge of effective customer service     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Demonstrated cultural awareness and sensitivity     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Demonstrated appropriate techniques for handling complaints or disgruntled customers     S             NYS
¨            ¨
Instigated a follow up process with the customer upon completion of the transaction to ensure their future needs were met S             NYS
¨            ¨
Mandatory Question:.
Note: all students must answer these questions verbally as part of the role play

Which organisations within your chosen profession would you network with in order to continue in meeting your customer needs?
What information could your networks provide you with to provide effective and ongoing quality customer service?
How do you ensure your customers have informed consent to make their purchasing decision?
Trainer Notes: 

S             NYS
¨            ¨
Additional Questions: The assessor may choose a random selection of the following questions to ask the participant in order to clarify understanding of observed behaviour during the role play. Assessor Note: Please circle those questions asked during the observation and make relevant notes in the feedback section below.
1.       How would you manage a hostile customer that knows it all?
2.       At what point should you seek assistance from a colleague or a supervisor when handling customer complaints?
3.       Where should the customer complaint information and transaction history be stored within the organisation?
4.       What should you be aware of in regards to your own body language when communication with a disgruntled customer?

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