Sunday, 11 February 2018

CIS5308 | Management of Information Technology Services | Information Technology

Report 2

The word limit for this assessment task is 3,250 to 3,750.

Value:Total value of this assessment is 25% and 100 marks are assigned.
References (Harvard AGPS style) must be used.

Learning Objectives
This assessment has three learning objectives of the course:

LO3:synthesize the support and nature of the IT service management principles and practice frameworks like ISO/IEC 20000, IT Infrastructure Library and IT4IT in offering practice frameworks for IT service management.

LO4:analyze the goals, events and linked roles and accountabilities so enable operational planning, organization, and enhancement of IT service management.

LO5:assess execution of certain IT service management standards and practice frameworks in case studies comprising features of IT service strategy, service transition, service design, service operation and constant service enhancement.


Activity A

Journal (maximum 250 words) (5 marks)
Make a journal which keeps records of your actions and growth connected to completing this assessment. Clearly, list the following:
a. Date of research activity
b. The time length of the activity
c. Websites visited to collect information

Structure, Presentation of Report, and Referencing (10 Marks)
Your report should include:
a. Title page
b. Letter of transmittal
c. Executive summary

Activity B

Case Study (maximum 3,500 words) (85 Marks)
In this activity, you will be provided a case study.
To complete this assessment, take on the role of a consultant who has been hired by the case organization (NNIT) to support a review of ITSM at the organization. You’ll need to prepare a report for the head of IT at NNIT.
Read the given case study and answer the following questions.

Part 1: Introduction (5 Marks)
Provide a brief introduction that describes the case study report.

Part 2: Importance of ITSM at NNIT (10 Marks)
Explain why is it important for NNIT to have effective processes in place to manage IT services.

Part 3: ITIL processes (25 Marks)
Based on the case study, identify the ITIL processes in place at NNIT and report them in a table, categorized by ITIL lifecycle stages. Based on the case and your knowledge, which of the ITIL processes are of the highest priority to be implemented/ improved for NNIT? Justify your selection.

Part 4: Service Strategy (20 Marks)
According to the case study, few IT service providers have a service portfolio and the difference between a service catalog and a service portfolio is commonly not well understood. Based on the case study and your knowledge, explain the main differences between a ‘service catalog’ and a ‘service portfolio’. What are the main factors that helped NNIT to implement a service portfolio?

Part 5: Service Portfolio Tool (15 Marks)
According to the case study at the time of designing the service portfolio framework at NNIT no ITSM tools were available with the required functionalities to support the management of a service portfolio. Based on your research of available ITSM tools provide a short list and description of three ITSM tools that could be considered for portfolio management.

Part 6: Conclusions and recommendations (10 Marks)
Summarize the key strength and weaknesses of ITSM implementation at NNIT you learned from this case study. Provide recommendations for further improvement if ITSM at NNIT, including your preferred ITSM tool for portfolio management.

Problems students may face in this assessment
Students may face different problems while attempting this assessment like lack of programming skills, identifying various processes of IT Service Management, insufficient time etc. We provide best help and guidance to students regarding their academic challenges. Our experts will help you in the best way to excel your career.

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