Wednesday, 7 February 2018

COIT20250 | E-business Systems Assignment Guide | Management

Assessment 3

The value of this assessment is 50% and word limit is 3500 words.

Assessment objectives

This assessment item relates t course earning outcomes:
1. Clarify   the latest improvements in industry  of e-business and its possible future directions
2. explain several kinds of technologies of e-business infrastructure, payment, security systems and  in a corporate setting
3. Show the skills of technical research to measure current and developing e-business technologies to convert organizations for competitive benefits.
4. Improve the capability to work individually and give as a team member employing suitable  professional,  technical and interpersonal communication skills
5. Articulate and analytically appraise the effect of e-business approaches on organizational procedures and consequences.
6. Understand the social, ethical, legal and cultural problems that impact the use, design, and execution of e-business systems
7. Construct e-business prototype solutions with open source technologies

Assessment task

This assessment can be completed by a group of 3 members. The purpose of this assessment is providing students the opportunity to practice & show the understanding that expanded in this course as your experience and skills by increasing a prototype website solution for an SME. It provides you the greatest opportunity learn by undertaking and working in a team environment. So, there are two parts to this assessment:
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Part 1

E-business website prototype solution

This assessment part contains 20 marks and word limit is 500 words.
You have to develop an e-business prototype website solution applying open source in any industry of your choice for an SME.
1. Briefly describe your group project reflections (some of the challenges encountered) in designing your e-business website (250 words).
2. List and explain the resources you had researched or used for designing your e-business website as a group (250 words).

Part 2

E-Business report

This assignment is related to your knowledge of the functional requirements and technological infrastructure of a small to mid-size e-business and to agree to you to show your ability to research, synthesize, analyze, appraise, and specify the requirements of a proposed e-commerce website in a report. You are essential to use minimum 12 sources comprising 6 academic to write a high-quality report. It is estimated that you will show your learning and incorporation of the knowledge that you have developed during this course to produce a high-quality e-business report.

Challenges may face by students

Students may face several challenges while completing this assignment like Lack of programming skills, inadequate time, making a reference list. Such students can take our experts’ help and guidance regarding their assignments. Our technical experts will help you in the best possible way.

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