Task A (10 marks):
Study "Case DATA ANALYSIS: AstraZeneca Terminates $1.4B Outsourcing Contract with IBM" in your text book [Chapter 12] and answer the following questions:
- What mistakes did AstraZeneca make?
- What mistakes did IBM make?
- Why are outsourcing contracts for five or more years?
- Why do you think two major corporations could make such mistakes?
- Do you think the 2007 SLA was doomed to fail? Explain your answer.
- What provisions in the 2012 SLAs protect AstraZeneca and the vendors?
- Why would parties prefer to use an arbitrator instead of filing a lawsuit in court?
Task B (17 Marks):
Write a paper, 4 pages (2-column format) in length, on a topic covered in our textbook. For this assignment, you need to plan, research, and, use your initiative to express the knowledge you learnt in this subject as well as your own independent thinking and reasoning.
Possible topics
Your attention in this paper can be focused on any of the following topics covered in our text:
- Information Management / IT Architecture.
- Database, Data, Warehouse, and Data Mining.
- Networks, Collaboration, and Sustainability.
- CyberSecurity, Compliance, and Business Continuity.
- E-Business & E-Commerce Models and Strategies.
- Mobile Technologies and Commerce.
- Social Media.
- Enterprise Systems and Applications.
- Performance Management Using Data Visualization, Mashups, and Mobile Intelligence.
Choose a topic which you are interested in and/or which is related to your work. You should do this as early as possible. Once you have chosen a topic, read our text carefully followed by detailed research. Once this is done, you should set up a structure/a series of subtopics and decide what to write under each section (subtopic).
Here is a suggested structure (you don’t have to follow it, but your own structure must be logical):
Abstract: a condensed summary. If someone reads your abstract only, he/she should understand your main points. You may want to write this section last;
Index terms: list the key words used in your paper;
Introduction: introduce the topic you are going to write about. This section must be related to the topics you learnt during the Session. However, you should branch out by carrying out your own research to enhance this section;
Subtopics and supporting argument: write a series of body paragraphs with sub-points;
Conclusion: Many students get confused between the conclusion and the abstract. In the conclusion, you can reflect on how your topic relates to larger issues; evaluate the concepts you have presented; issue a call for action on the part of your audience; ask questions generated by your findings; make predictions, recommend a solution or give a personal statement about the topic.
With your structure in order, you have a skeleton for your paper: you can now begin by writing out your analyses of the passages you have chosen. As you write and revise, you may have the need to add to your analyses or to re-order your chosen arguments. Using a structure as the skeleton for a paper in this way can carry you more than halfway to a completed draft.
Types of papers
Academic papers can be broadly categorized into 2 types:
- Argumentative Papers;
- Analytical Papers.
Format and mechanics
Your lecturer will provide you with a format template during the Session, you must strictly follow the format provided in the following link, such as space, font, margin etc…
Task C (5 marks):
- Generate a Turnitin originality report and submit this report via Turnitin;
- Submit an early draft to Turnitin for self-checking, then look carefully at all the matches marked in bold font and various colours in the self-check/originality report.
- Answer the following questions to interpret the Turnitin originality report
- a) Are any of the bold, coloured text matches in my self-check report missing in-text references? (We need to avoid plagiarism of ideas.)
- b) Do any of the bold, coloured text matches in my self-check report include more than three words in a row copied from the original source without quotation marks? (We need to avoid plagiarism of language.)
- c) Do direct quotations take up more than 10% of the essay? (We need to change some of the direct quotations to summaries and paraphrases so that at least 90% of every essay is written in our own words.)
- d) Are any of the bold, coloured text matches in my originality report purely coincidental? (Sometimes our words coincidentally match with words in other online sources that we have never seen before and that are completely irrelevant to our research topic. If so, we do not need to change anything at all.)
- e) Do any of the short strings of matching text indicate that my attempts at paraphrasing were not completely successful? (We need to avoid sham paraphrasing, one type of plagiarism, by using synonyms and changing the sentence structures completely. Remember that we should not copy more than three words in a row from the original without quotation marks.)
- f) Have I synthesised all of the sources’ ideas into my essay by introducing each piece of source information with a signal phrase and by adding my own comments or interpretation to it in the following sentence? (We need to avoid dropped-in quotations and simply reporting facts or other people’s ideas because that approach means that instead of building our own arguments and writing our own essays, we are merely stringing together other people’s words and ideas.)
It should be noted: Turnitin can help you avoid plagiarism, but the Turnitin score, or matching percentage at the top of the report, is not particularly helpful in doing that. The percentage score only indicates matches between your text and other sources. There are many different reasons why your text might match with other sources; for example, students in the same class all working on the same assignment are using the same sources, or it could be a pure coincidence that a student has used the same string of words that appear in another random website. Therefore, we cannot assume that the matches indicated by the Turnitin score involve plagiarism or deliberate cheating.
You may ask, “What Turnitin score is an acceptable cut-off mark so that I can be sure that I have not plagiarised?” However, due to the large number of variables in the way writers handle sources, no cut-off score can be reliable; in fact, a cut-off score can mislead people into thinking that they have avoided plagiarism, whereas they might have still plagiarised inadvertently. For example, a score of 14% could involve no plagiarism, but a score of 9% does.
Instead of focusing on avoiding plagiarism or the appearance of avoiding plagiarism, let’s consider Turnitin as a tool for improving your skills in handling sources as you construct arguments in your essays.
Turnitin is more than a ‘gotcha’ device – it is an effective learning tool:
Because the sophisticated use of sources involves a complex set of research, critical thinking, and writing skills, you should expect to take several years to master them. Turnitin can be a helpful tool in this developmental process. You should use your originality reports as feedback on a first draft so that you can improve your use of sources before submitting the final draft for marking.
Interpreting the Turnitin Originality Report:
After you submit your draft to Turnitin for self-checking, you should look carefully at the originality report so that you can improve on your use of sources. Your essay will be on the left side of the screen, and the matching colour-coded sources will be listed on the right. Then you can make the necessary changes to your essay before you submit the final draft for marking.
Task A is aligned with objectives 1 and 4 and measures your ability to read and acquire the knowledge and understanding of the main ICT Infrastructure management and technical issues that are concerned with the overall Enterprise Architect practices that are crucial for business success.
Assessment Task B is aligned with objectives 2, 3, 5 and 6 and measures your ability to undertake, investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services.
Assignment Task C is designed for you to learn the functions of the Turnitin software.
Marking criteria
You will not be marked down for incorrect answers.
Grade allocations: Marks for all questions will be totalled and grades awarded based on percentage of the total available marks. (FL <50%; PS 50-64%; CR 65-74%; DI 75-84%; HD 85-100%)
Grade allocations: Marks for all questions will be totalled and grades awarded based on percentage of the total available marks. (FL <50%; PS 50-64%; CR 65-74%; DI 75-84%; HD 85-100%)
Task A: Business Case
Criteria | HD 85-100% | DI 75-84% | CR 65-74% | PS 50-64% | FL <50% |
Able to synthesize key theoretical concepts, while differentiating between current and future trends in ICT services and infrastructure management | Answer is correct, and complete. Comprehensive explanation is provided with appropriate examples. Demonstrated in-depth understanding of current and future trends, precisely synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application. | Answer is correct and a detailed explanation is provided. Demonstrated considered explanation of current and future trends. Evidence of synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application. | Answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. There is an effort to discuss current and future trends, however no examples provided to support discussion. | Answer is correct but the explanation requires further refinement, does not immediately demonstrate understanding of theoretical concepts. | Major omissions and unsubstantiated explanations. |
Communication and referencing skills evident in writing | Perfect referencing style is used, with no errors. No grammatical or spelling mistake. | References are used with minor errors in formatting. A few grammatical or spelling mistakes but does not effect hinder the delivery of the answer. | Referencing style applied with some inconsistent formatting. Grammatical and spelling mistakes evident in writing and could have been refined to help with clearly communicating the answer. | Applied referencing style requires refinement, however it is evident that student made an effort to reference literature. Writing style requires refinement with answer not immediately clear. | Referencing incorrect or not applied. Major errors in grammar and spelling. |
Task B:
Criteria | HD (>84%) | DI (75% - 84%) | CR (65% - 74%) | PS (50% - 64%) | FL (<49%) |
Ability to undertake, investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services. | Well-chosen, specific, interesting topic; compelling choice of evidence; lucid and original use of the evidence to prove claims; clear line of thought which develops over the course of the paper; correct citation mechanics; clear writing; few or no spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. | Coherent but less surprising topic; good use of evidence to support points; clear line of thought exists but shows only a moderate development over the course of the paper. | Some summary where interpretation or argument is needed; some issues at the conceptual or interpretive level; some problems with citation mechanics, spelling, or grammar. | Over-general topic; evidence is present but it is not interpreted to support claims; evidence is relevant to the topic but the line of thought remains unclear or static; excessive reliance on summary or paraphrase. | Completed but unsatisfactory in several major areas. Major omissions in the explanation and Unsubstantiated/ invalid conclusions. Major mechanical problems of spelling or grammar. |
Task C:
(1) Turnitin original report: two marks for submission via Turnitin. (2) Q&A, three marks.
You will not be marked down for incorrect answers.
Grade allocations: Marks for all questions will be totalled and grades awarded based on percentage of the total available marks. (FL <50%; PS 50-64%; CR 65-74%; DI 75-84%; HD 85-100%).
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