Part 1 - Online Quiz
There will be an online quiz during Week 8 (1st Jan – 7th Jan). The online quiz must be attempted by the students individually on the Interact site for ITC516. The Quiz is worth 5 marks of the overall marks available for assessment 2.Students need to attempt and finish the online quizzes within the specific date and time window.
Introduction to Data Mining
Data Interpretation
Knowledge Representation
Overview of Basic Algorithms and Credibility
Decision Trees
Part 2 - Written Exercise
Topic: Security, Privacy and Ethics in Data Mining.In this task, you are required to read the journal articles provided below and write a short discussion paper based on the topic of security, privacy and ethics in data mining. You must:
identify the major security, privacy and ethical implications in data mining; evaluate how significant these implications are for the business sector; and support your response with appropriate examples and references.
The task is worth 5 marks of the overall marks available for assessment 2. The recommended word length for this posting is 500 to 800 words.
Journal articles:
Ryoo, J. ‘Big data security problems threaten consumers’ privacy’ (March 23, 2016)
Tasioulas, J. ‘Big Data, Human Rights and the Ethics of Scientific Research’ (December 1, 2016)
- Consider the following data set below which represents the assessment results of 40 students in a subject consisting of four assignments and final exam.
- Create an ARFF file by using a text editor for this dataset and open the ARFF file in Weka [ 4 marks].
- Observe the summary data for the data set and the histograms for all attributes on the Preprocess tab page. Use the Visualize tab page to view the scatter plots between the variables of the data sets. Put a screenshot of the tab in your assignment [ 2 marks]
- Apply the unsupervised Discretize filter to the Assignment-4 marks. Put a screenshot of the filter output in your assignment and make some remarks on the data [ 2 marks]
- Practice filling in the missing values for all columns in the Viewer window in Weka both manually and by using filters. Put a screenshot of the filter outputs in your assignment and make comments on what values are suggested by WEKA for the missing values? [ 2 marks]
These tasks aim to assess your progress towards:be able to identify and analyse business requirements for the identification of patterns and trends in data sets;
be able to appraise the different approaches and categories of data mining problems;
be able to compare and evaluate output patterns;
be able to compare and evaluate appropriate techniques for detecting and evaluating patterns in a given data set;
be able to identify and evaluate the security, privacy and ethical implications in data mining;
Marking criteria
The grade you receive for this assessment as a whole is determined by the cumulative marks gained for each question. The tasks in this assessment involve a sequence of several steps and therefore you will be marked on the correctness of your answer as well as clear and neat presentation of your diagrams, where required.Part 1 - Online Quiz
This part is a series of multiple choice questions. Each correct answer will score 1 mark. Marks will not be deducted for incorrect answers.Most quizzes will involve multiple choice or true/false type questions, although quizzes may include other contents. Marks will be given based on the correctness of the answers. The Test Centre will be marking automatically and you will receive marks according to the following criteria: HD - At least 85% answers were correct
DI - At least 75% answers were correct
CR - At least 65% answers were correct
PS - At least 50% answers were correct
Part 2 - Written Exercise
Criteria | HD | DI | CR | Ps |
Demonstrate an ability to analyse, reason and discuss the concepts learned in the subject (This includes content from online meetings, textbook chapters, modules, readings and forum discussions) | Demonstrate an ability to analyse, reason and discuss the concepts to draw justified conclusions that are logically supported by examples and best practice. Answers succinctly integrate and link information into cohesive and coherent piece of analysis and consistently use correct data mining terminologies and sophisticated language. | Demonstrate an ability to analyse, reason and discuss the concepts to draw justified conclusions that are logically supported by examples and best practice. The answers are logically structured to create cohesive and coherent piece of analysis that consistently use correct data mining terminologies. | Demonstrate an ability to analyse, reason and discuss the concepts to draw justified conclusions that are generally logically supported by examples and best practice. The answers are generally logically structured to create a comprehensive, mainly descriptive piece of analysis. Some use of correct data mining terminologies. | Demonstrate an ability to analyse, reason and discuss most concepts to draw justified conclusions that are generally logically supported by examples and best practice. The answers are partially structured into loosely-linked rudimentary sentences to create acomprehensive, descriptive piece of analysis. Some |
Part 3 - Practical
The grade you receive for this task is determined by the cumulative marks gained for each question (FL 0-49%; PS 50-64%; CR 65-74%; DI 75-84%; HD 85-100%).Criteria Description
Correctness of formatted ARFF file that can be read by WEKA Clear and neat screenshots
You have communicated your answer clearly and outlined what you have done using an appropriate mix of text and diagram.
Task 2: Written Exercise
Your written paper should include the following features of academic writing:- an introduction, body and a conclusion.
- each paragraph should include a topic sentence.
- keep to the 500-800 word limit.
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