The report should contain the following elements (please see marking rubrics for more details):
Background, introduction and importance of company to the Australian and international business landscape:
Controlling the value chain and technology
Future strategies management should engage in (identify 3 major strategies based on previous analysis of the company)
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Submitting the Assignment
This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should be approximately 2,500 words. Word count starts from Introduction to Conclusions. use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing use Harvard referencing. 15-20 references are expected. Please use at least 75% of academic references.
Marking rubrics
See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubrics, and more detailed guidelines in LMS
Grading criteria - Assessment 1 (Individual written Marketing analysis) (40%)
Grading criteria - Assessment 2 (Individual written Management analysis) (40%)
Grading criteria - Assessment 3 (part 1, Group presentation) (10%)
Grading criteria - Assessment 3 (part 2, Group written analysis) (10%)
Background, introduction and importance of company to the Australian and international business landscape:
- Focus on its international business environment and funnel it down to Australian base
- Please relate your analysis to sustainability practices of INTREPID TRAVEL (i.e. reflect on relevant
Planning and strategy
Human resources management LeadershipControlling the value chain and technology
Future strategies management should engage in (identify 3 major strategies based on previous analysis of the company)
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- Please make recommendations and conclusions based on your analysis
This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should be approximately 2,500 words. Word count starts from Introduction to Conclusions. use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing use Harvard referencing. 15-20 references are expected. Please use at least 75% of academic references.
Marking rubrics
See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubrics, and more detailed guidelines in LMS
Grading criteria - Assessment 1 (Individual written Marketing analysis) (40%)
Criteria | GCs. | SILOs | Excellent | Good | Missing or Poor | Mark(s) | ||||||||||||||
Discipline | Disciplinary knowledge is clearly | Disciplinary knowledge is presented and | Disciplinary knowledge is unclear and | |||||||||||||||||
knowledge | presented and uses disciplinary | uses disciplinary language approaching | does not use the language of the | |||||||||||||||||
language authoritatively; shows critical | competency, shows an awareness of the | discipline in a sustained fashion, and | ||||||||||||||||||
understanding of the relevant theories, | issue presented and demonstrates | demonstrates no evidence of gaining | ||||||||||||||||||
issue presented, demonstrates depth | limited content understanding. | new understanding. | ||||||||||||||||||
and accuracy of understanding. | /7 | |||||||||||||||||||
Analysis and | Critical Thinking | 01, 02 | Strategically and critically analyses and | Overall, analysis and evaluation show | Analysis and evaluation are very | |||||||||||||||
Recommendations | Inquiry/Research | evaluates the marketing mix strategies | critical thinking but include several | superficial and lacking in depths. | ||||||||||||||||
(Critical Thinking) | of the chosen company, and how those | gaps. Recommendations are evidence- | Recommendations are not evidence- | |||||||||||||||||
strategies have been implemented to | based but may not be fully justifiable. | based and/or justifiable. | ||||||||||||||||||
achieve sustainability, and makes | ||||||||||||||||||||
justifiable, evidence-based | ||||||||||||||||||||
recommendations. | /20 | |||||||||||||||||||
Problem-solving | Creative | 03 | Outstandingly addresses constructed | Addresses constructed and real-life | Failure to address constructed and real- | |||||||||||||||
problem-solving | and real life problems by identifying | problems and correctly identify | life problems and/or correctly identify | |||||||||||||||||
company’s strategies and relevant | strategies and sustainability-related | strategies and sustainability-related | ||||||||||||||||||
sustainability-related issues/practices, | issues although some minor gaps still | issues. Failure to use conceptual, | ||||||||||||||||||
and using conceptual, analytical and | exist. Good use of conceptual, analytical | analytical and problem-solving | ||||||||||||||||||
problem-solving strategies. | and problem-solving strategies. | strategies. | ||||||||||||||||||
/5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Independent | Autonomy and | 05 | Demonstrates an outstanding original | Shows originality and acceptable level of | Lack of originality and poor | |||||||||||||||
thought | independence | approach and excellent level of | independent thinking. Some minor parts | demonstration of independent thinking. | ||||||||||||||||
independent thinking. Effectively | are incomplete. | Failure to fully complete the task due to | ||||||||||||||||||
manages time and resources to | ineffective management of time and | |||||||||||||||||||
complete all parts of the task. | resources. | /5 | ||||||||||||||||||
Writing and | Writing | The report is well structured, with | The report is somewhat logically | The work does not employ a structured | ||||||||||||||||
Referencing | fluent and cohesive presentation of | structured using appropriate academic | approach to the task. The writing is | |||||||||||||||||
ideas. Sophisticated academic language | language, with appropriate use of | unclear and poorly constructed. | ||||||||||||||||||
throughout, with excellent use of | evidence in addressing the task. | Shows unfamiliarity with, and | ||||||||||||||||||
supporting evidence. Persuasively | Employs a basic academic referencing | inconsistent application of the | ||||||||||||||||||
addresses the task, and employs a | convention appropriate to the | conventions of academic referencing | ||||||||||||||||||
relevant approach. | discipline. Includes an adequate number | with inadequate sources. | ||||||||||||||||||
Employs an accurate academic | of sources. Several errors in referencing, | |||||||||||||||||||
referencing convention citing multiple | grammar and/or punctuation. | |||||||||||||||||||
sources. | /3 | |||||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | /40 | |||||||||||||||||||
Grading criteria - Assessment 2 (Individual written Management analysis) (40%)
Criteria | GCs. | SILOs | Excellent | Good | Missing or Poor | Mark(s) | ||||||||||||||
Discipline | Disciplinary knowledge is clearly presented | Disciplinary knowledge is presented and | Disciplinary knowledge is unclear and does | |||||||||||||||||
knowledge | and uses disciplinary language | uses disciplinary language approaching | not use the language of the discipline in a | |||||||||||||||||
authoritatively; shows critical | competency, shows an awareness of the | sustained fashion, and demonstrates no | ||||||||||||||||||
understanding of the relevant theories, | issue presented and demonstrates limited | evidence of gaining new understanding. | ||||||||||||||||||
issue presented, demonstrates depth and | content understanding. | |||||||||||||||||||
accuracy of understanding. | /7 | |||||||||||||||||||
Analysis and | Critical | 01, 02 | Strategically and critically analyses and | Overall, analysis and evaluation show | Analysis and evaluation are very superficial | |||||||||||||||
Recommendat | Thinking | evaluates the management functions and | critical thinking but include several gaps. | and lacking in depths. | ||||||||||||||||
ions (Critical | Inquiry/ | strategies of the chosen company, and how | Recommendations are evidence-based but | Recommendations are not evidence-based | ||||||||||||||||
Thinking) | Research | those strategies have been implemented to | may not be fully justifiable. | and/or justifiable. | ||||||||||||||||
achieve sustainability, and making | ||||||||||||||||||||
justifiable, evidence-based | /20 | |||||||||||||||||||
recommendations. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ethical | Ethical | 04 | Excellent recognition of the implications | Acknowledges and engages other ethical | Limited or no engagement with other | |||||||||||||||
awareness | behaviour | for their own ethical and values framework | and values- based perspectives in | ethical and values- based perspectives in | ||||||||||||||||
when interacting with different ethical and | professional, societal or global concerns. | professional, societal or global concerns. | ||||||||||||||||||
values-based perspectives in professional | ||||||||||||||||||||
and global concerns. | ||||||||||||||||||||
/5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Independent | Autonomy and | 05 | Demonstrates an outstanding original | Shows originality and acceptable level of | Lack of originality and poor demonstration | |||||||||||||||
thought | independence | approach and excellent level of | independent thinking. Some minor parts | of independent thinking. Failure to fully | ||||||||||||||||
independent thinking. Effectively manages | are incomplete. | complete the task due to ineffective | ||||||||||||||||||
time and resources to complete all parts of | management of time and resources. | |||||||||||||||||||
the task. | /5 | |||||||||||||||||||
Writing and | Writing | The report is well structured, with fluent | The report is somewhat logically | The work does not employ a structured | ||||||||||||||||
Referencing | and cohesive presentation of ideas. | structured using appropriate academic | approach to the task. The writing is unclear | |||||||||||||||||
Sophisticated academic language | language, with appropriate use of evidence | and poorly constructed. | ||||||||||||||||||
throughout, with excellent use of | in addressing the task. | Shows unfamiliarity with, and inconsistent | ||||||||||||||||||
supporting evidence. Persuasively | Employs a basic academic referencing | application of the conventions of academic | ||||||||||||||||||
addresses the task, and employs a relevant | convention appropriate to the discipline. | referencing with inadequate sources. | ||||||||||||||||||
approach. | Includes an adequate number of sources. | |||||||||||||||||||
Employs an accurate academic referencing | Several errors in referencing, grammar | |||||||||||||||||||
convention citing multiple sources. | and/or punctuation. | /3 | ||||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | /40 | |||||||||||||||||||
Grading criteria - Assessment 3 (part 1, Group presentation) (10%)
Criteria | GCs. | SILOs | Excellent | Good | Missing or Poor | Mark(s) | ||||||||||||||
Analysis | Critical Thinking | 01, 02 | Strategically and critically analyses and | Good analysis and evaluation of | Poor analysis and evaluation of | |||||||||||||||
(Critical | Inquiry/Research | evaluates sustainability-related | sustainability-related concepts/practices | sustainability-related concepts/practices | ||||||||||||||||
Thinking) | concepts/practices and applications in | and applications in businesses, and | and applications in businesses, | |||||||||||||||||
businesses, and strategies employed by | strategies employed by firms to achieve | sustainable strategies employed by firms | ||||||||||||||||||
firms to achieve sustainability. | sustainability. Some minor gaps in | to achieve sustainability. | ||||||||||||||||||
application. | ||||||||||||||||||||
/5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Problem- | Creative | 03 | Outstandingly addresses constructed and | Addresses constructed and real-life | Failure to address constructed and real- | |||||||||||||||
solving | problem-solving | real life problems by identifying relevant | problems and correctly identify relevant | life problems and/or correctly identify | ||||||||||||||||
sustainability-related articles, and | sustainability-related articles, and | relevant sustainability-related articles, | ||||||||||||||||||
relevant sustainability-related | relevant sustainability-related | and relevant sustainability-related | ||||||||||||||||||
concepts/issues/practices, and using | concepts/issues/practices although some | concepts/issues/practices. Failure to use | ||||||||||||||||||
conceptual, analytical and problem- | minor gaps still exist. Good use of | conceptual, analytical and problem- | ||||||||||||||||||
solving strategies. | conceptual, analytical and problem- | solving strategies. | ||||||||||||||||||
solving strategies. | /2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Teamwork | Teamwork | Holistic reflection of divergent | Work reflects a co-ordinated contribution | Work reflects little or no co-ordination of | ||||||||||||||||
perspectives and insights into the task, | by all of the team, and constructs a | the contribution by various team | ||||||||||||||||||
representative of various informed | sustained focus in its response to the | members, and/or has no central objective | ||||||||||||||||||
positions on the topic. | task. | or focus. | ||||||||||||||||||
/1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Presentation | Informative presentation that focuses on | Logically structures the slides and | Does not present a coherent and succinct | |||||||||||||||||
and | supporting its central argument, well- | presentation - approaching coherence, | explanation and ideas are not logically | |||||||||||||||||
engagement | structured slides and presentation, and | and uses some appropriate language for | organised nor relevant to topic, and does | |||||||||||||||||
uses clear, powerful and appropriate | student and academic audience. | not appropriate language for the | ||||||||||||||||||
language for student and academic | audience. | |||||||||||||||||||
audience. | ||||||||||||||||||||
/2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | /10 | |||||||||||||||||||
Grading criteria - Assessment 3 (part 2, Group written analysis) (10%)
Criteria | GCs. | SILOs | Excellent | Good | Missing or Poor | Mark(s) | ||||||||||||||
Analysis | Critical Thinking | 01, 02 | Strategically and critically analyses and | Good analysis and evaluation of | Poor analysis and evaluation of | |||||||||||||||
(Critical | Inquiry/Research | evaluates sustainability-related | sustainability-related concepts/practices | sustainability-related concepts/practices | ||||||||||||||||
Thinking) | concepts/practices and applications in | and applications in businesses, and | and applications in businesses, | |||||||||||||||||
businesses, and strategies employed by | strategies employed by firms to achieve | sustainable strategies employed by firms | ||||||||||||||||||
firms to achieve sustainability. | sustainability. Some minor gaps in | to achieve sustainability. | ||||||||||||||||||
application. | ||||||||||||||||||||
/5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Problem- | Creative | 03 | Outstandingly addresses constructed and | Addresses constructed and real-life | Failure to address constructed and real- | |||||||||||||||
solving | problem-solving | real life problems by identifying relevant | problems and correctly identify relevant | life problems and/or correctly identify | ||||||||||||||||
sustainability-related articles, and | sustainability-related articles, and | relevant sustainability-related articles, | ||||||||||||||||||
relevant sustainability-related | relevant sustainability-related | and relevant sustainability-related | ||||||||||||||||||
concepts/issues/practices, and using | concepts/issues/practices although some | concepts/issues/practices. Failure to use | ||||||||||||||||||
conceptual, analytical and problem- | minor gaps still exist. Good use of | conceptual, analytical and problem- | ||||||||||||||||||
solving strategies. | conceptual, analytical and problem- | solving strategies. | ||||||||||||||||||
solving strategies. | /2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Teamwork | Teamwork | Holistic reflection of divergent | Work reflects a co-ordinated | Work reflects little or no co-ordination of | ||||||||||||||||
perspectives and insights into the task, | contribution by all of the team, and | the contribution by various team | ||||||||||||||||||
representative of various informed | constructs a sustained focus in its | members, and/or has no central objective | ||||||||||||||||||
positions on the topic. | response to the task. | or focus. | ||||||||||||||||||
/1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Writing and | Writing | The report is well structured, with fluent | The report is somewhat logically | The work does not employ a structured | ||||||||||||||||
Referencing | and cohesive presentation of ideas. | structured using appropriate academic | approach to the task. The writing is | |||||||||||||||||
Sophisticated academic language | language, with appropriate use of | unclear and poorly constructed. | ||||||||||||||||||
throughout, with excellent use of | evidence in addressing the task. | Shows unfamiliarity with, and | ||||||||||||||||||
supporting evidence. Persuasively | Employs a basic academic referencing | inconsistent application of the | ||||||||||||||||||
addresses the task, and employs a | convention appropriate to the discipline. | conventions of academic referencing with | ||||||||||||||||||
relevant approach. | Includes an adequate number of sources. | inadequate sources. | ||||||||||||||||||
Employs an accurate academic | Several errors in referencing, grammar | |||||||||||||||||||
referencing convention citing multiple | and/or punctuation. | |||||||||||||||||||
sources. | /2 | |||||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | /10 | |||||||||||||||||||
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