Tuesday, 6 February 2018

CHCECE001 | Develop Cultural Competence | Health

Section 1

This section gives you an overview of the skills and knowledge that you require to show in the assessment tasks. The assessment overview and unit gives you with information about the condition of assessment, the topic covered in this unit.

Topics covered

This unit covered the following topics:
1. Reflecting on your own cultural distinctiveness and prejudices
2. Recognizing and developing cultural proficiency
3. Researching aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities
4. Making environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships
5. Supporting individual cultural identities
6. Assist children in developing strength and confidence in personal and cultural identity
7.  Supporting the implementation of inclusive learning experiences

Section 2

This section includes questions, case studies, and work-based activities. These tasks are used to show that you need to meet the requirements as detailed in section 1.

Challenges may face by students

Problems students may face in completing this assessment:
Students may face several problems while completing this assessment such as:
Lack of academic writing skills
Insufficient time
Making appropriate reference list
Such students can take help and required academic guidance from our subject experts and excel their grades.
This section includes 9 tasks. These are:

Task 1

Reflecting on your own cultural identity and biases

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in reflecting on your own cultural identity and biases.
To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. access to the National Quality Standard
2. you need to answer the following questions

Q.1 Write down at least three significant events in your family background or history that have influenced your values, beliefs, and attitudes.

Q.2 Record and explain how at least three aspects of your environment have influenced your cultural identity.

Q.3 What potential impact might your own background have on interactions and relationships with people from other cultures? Explain in a paragraph.

Q.4 List any skills, knowledge or attitudes that you need to develop to ensure cultural competency.

Q.5 List the National Quality Standard (NQS) Elements you believe support the development of cultural competence. Choose one and briefly explain how this is/or could be reflected in your practice

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Task 2

Identifying and developing cultural competency

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in identifying and developing cultural competency
To complete this assessment task, you need:
1access to a children’s services environment
1. you need to answer the following questions

Q.1Survey two people from two different cultures to find out more about their cultural identity. Create a questionnaire of at least ten questions that address the following aspects of cultural identity:

Family structure
The following are some sample questions to guide you:
What language do you speak?
What are the key values you want your children to have?
What aspects of your culture would you like your child to experience more of in the care environment?

Q.2 In your service, each child’s cultural identity must be considered to create a culturally competent environment. Looking at the outcomes of the survey, describe how the five aspects in question 1 are/could be reflected in the relationships, curriculum, and activities of your service.

Q.3 As an educator, you can help develop the cultural competency of children and families. List at least six strategies that can be used to do this.

Task 3

Researching Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities

This assessment task is planned to designed to assess your skills and knowledge in researching Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. you need to answer the following questions

Q.1Research a historical issue in relation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and the land your service is on, considering the contemporary impacts this has had on the region your service is in.

Write a one-page summary of your findings. Your summary should include:
a. information about the traditional owners of the land
b. information about at least two contemporary impacts
c. details of where you found the information.
As part of your research, it is recommended that you contact the Indigenous Professional Support Unit (IPSU) in your state or territory.

Task 4

Supporting individual cultural identities

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting individual cultural identities.


To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. Access to a children’s services environment
2. You need to answer the following questions

Q.1 NQS Element 6.3.4 says ‘The service builds relationships and engages with the local community’.
Identify and provide the following:
The name of the group
The services they provide
What the cultural group could contribute to the service

Q.2 Describe an activity the cultural group could be involved in that could encourage the families and children to share their context and

Q.3 Describe an activity the cultural group could be involved in that could encourage the families and children to share their context and cultural knowledge.

Q.4 Describe three situations where a service could provide opportunities for enhancing cultural diversity.

Q.5 Promoting linguistic diversity in a service may be achieved in various ways. Discuss three ways that this can be demonstrated in a service.

Task 5

Creating environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships

This assessment task is planned to assess your skills and knowledge in creating environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships.

To complete this assessment task you need:
1. Cross-cultural understanding and relationships.
2. You need to answer the following questions

Q.1 Describe two experiences from your service that promote inclusivity. Discuss the strategies used that underpin the experience.

Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.
Q.2Describe two experiences from your service that promote inclusivity. Discuss the strategies used that underpin the experience.

Q.3 Discuss three ways you can use effective oral communication to liaise with different cultures in a service to ensure respectful behavior and inclusivity is promoted.

Q.4 Describe a situation in a service where you could have been required to provide additional cultural support to a family or child. What would you do?

Task 6

Supporting the implementation of inclusive learning experiences

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting the implementation of the inclusive learning experience.

 To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. Access to a children’s services environment
2. You need to answer the following questions

Q.1 Describe an experience you have planned and implemented that supported this element and focused on the customs and beliefs of a child and their family.
Your description should include:
a. the culture of the family/child
b. the custom
c. the beliefs that are connected to the custom
d. the celebrations that are linked to the culture
e. how this experience was implemented into the program
How you will use the experience to build on the children’s understanding of each other

Task 7

Supporting children in developing confidence and strength in personal and cultural identity

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting children in developing confidence and strength in personal and cultural identify
To complete this assessment task, you need
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. You need to answer the following questions

Q.1 Provide an example of how you would establish a secure, respectful and reciprocal relationship with children and their families. Also, include what protocols you may need to follow to ensure respect.
Choose from one of the following:
1. An experience – describe the experience
2. A discussion – relate the topic and outcome
3. An excursion/incursion – what, who and where?
Community involvement – who and how?

Q.2. How would you help children work toward a strong sense of identity, well-being, and feeling of connectedness? Discuss how you can engage with peers or mentors to help you support a child’s specific cultural need.
Choose from one of the following:
1. An experience – describe the experience
2. A discussion – relate the topic and outcome
3. An excursion/incursion – what, who and where?
Community involvement – who and how?

Q.3 How would you encourage children to collaborate and solve problems?
Choose from one of the following:
1. An experience – describe the experience
2. A discussion – relate the topic and outcome
3. An excursion/incursion – what, who and where?
Community involvement – who and how?

Q.4 How would you encourage children to collaborate and solve problems?
Choose from one of the following:
1. An experience – describe the experience
2. A discussion – relate the topic and outcome
3. An excursion/incursion – what, who and where?
Community involvement – who and how?

Task 8

Workplace Task 1

Q.1Observe the other educators at your service and list the strategies they use to ensure they are culturally aware in the workplace.

Q.2 Now list the ways you ensure you are culturally aware in the workplace.

Workplace Task 2
Q.1Complete a review of your fellow students by discussing each of the aspects in the following table. Identify the predominant cultural aspects and an approximate percentage of students for each aspect. Note that there may be several items within each aspect. An example has been provided.
Predominant Cultural factor
Percentage of students
Example: Cantonese
Language used at home


Family Structure

Age of parent

Workplace Task 3

Q.1 Of the cultures identified in the task above, how do you and the other educators support the cultural identities of those children in your care?

Workplace Task 4

Q.1Choose four families in your service and identify their: racial or cultural background one aspect of their lifestyle their language their family makeup

Q.2 For each aspect of the families you identified, explain how it is represented in images, books, and resources provided currently at your service. If aspects of the family are not represented, identify what you could provide to cater for this.

Task 9

This assessment activity is planned to assess your knowledge and skills across the whole unit.

To complete this assessment activity, you need:
1.Access to a children’s services environment
2. Access to a children’s services environment
3. Access to a children’s services environment

Q.1 Identify a significant event in your own family background or history. Explain how it has influenced your current values, beliefs, and attitudes.

Q.2. Describe an aspect of the environment that has influenced your cultural identity.

Q.3Describe ways your background may impact your cultural interactions and relationships.

Q.4 Identify at least three ways you can improve your skills and knowledge to become culturally competent. Also, include considerations that may influence how you share culturally sensitive information and with whom.

Q.5 Provide an example of where you have demonstrated respect and supported a reciprocal relationship with a child.

Q.6 Provide an example where you have collaborated with others to support a child with a specific cultural need.

Q.7 Access a community directory from your local government body. You may have a hard copy of this at home or in your service, or you should be able to access this online. Identify two cultural groups that are represented in your service.

Q.8 Contact representatives from the two cultural groups to seek advice on how to incorporate knowledge of the cultural groups in your service. Also find out any requirements for sharing information, such as how and with whom the information can be shared.

Q.9Describe how each of the two groups can be represented in your service curriculum. Explain what organizational policy in your service supports initiatives to promote cultural participation.

Q.10 For each group, plan an activity that supports the curriculum and strengthens the cultural relationships.

Q.11For each group, identify the skills and knowledge you may need to develop to implement the activity and encourage participation of all cultural groups. Discuss how engaging with peers and mentors can help you develop the skills and knowledge required.

Q.12. For each group, identify how a family from the cultural group could share and contribute contextual and cultural insights.

Q. 13For each group, describe how you could provide opportunities for the children to have their cultural diversity enhanced in your service. Include considerations for linguistic diversity.
Read the given  and answer the following questions.

Q.14How can you ensure that you follow community protocols when engaging with Indigenous community members? Research an Aboriginal service and contact them and document any community protocols that you may need to adhere to.

Q.15. Describe how you can promote collaboration and problem-solving during your proposed experiences.

Q.16How can you ensure you foster respectful interactions during your proposed experiences?

Q.17. Provide an example of how you would use open and inclusive oral communication techniques during your proposed experiences.

Q.18 Describe four ways that you can promote each individual child’s sense of identity through your proposed experiences?

Q.19 Describe four ways that you can promote each individual child’s sense of identity through your proposed experiences?

Q.20 What are two ways that you identify the need for additional cultural support?

Q.21 Access the Early Years Learning Framework Outcome 1. Explain four ways you could promote a sense of belonging and connectedness in in your workplace. Also, access the National Quality Framework and locate the standard that relates to the inclusion of the child’s culture in the services program. Provide an example of how this standard is reflected in your service’s policies and procedures.

Q.22 Research Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander land ownership in the area of your service. Do this by contacting an appropriate person with knowledge of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander history and issues. If you cannot find specific details of your particular area, look wider into the state or territory. Ask the appropriate person about any historical issues or significance regarding the land. Document your findings. Also, mention what historical law lead to the land being taken away during settlement.

Q. 23 There are many historical factors that have had a contemporary impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Consult with an appropriate person and research two factors. Factors may include:

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