Tuesday, 6 February 2018

CHCECE010 | Holistic Development of Children in Early Childhood | Health

Section 1

This section gives you with an overview of the skills and knowledge that you need to show in this assessment tasks. The Unit and Assessment Overview also provide you with information about the assessment conditions, the topics covered in this unit.
Topic covered
1.Supporting social development
2. Supporting social development
3.Supporting communication development
4. Creating an environment for holistic learning and development

Section 2

This section includes questions, case studies, and work-based activities. These tasks are used to show that you meet the requirements as detailed in section 2.

Challenges may face by students

Problems students may face in completing this assessment:
Students may face several problems while completing this assessment such as:
Insufficient time
Lack of academic writing skills
Making appropriate reference list
Such students can take help and required academic guidance from our subject experts and excel their grades.

Task 1

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting physical development.


To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. Access to a children’s services environment
2.You need to answer the following questions

Q.1Choose one physically active experience. It should be an experience that children choose to do spontaneously (not an organized activity). Describe the experience, including the age of the children, and explain why the experience is spontaneous. Give at least two reasons.

Q.2. Use the table below to complete the following.
List four physical skills the children are acquiring or practicing during this experience. Include gross and fine motor skills. For each physical skill, explain how you select and arrange equipment to assist the child to develop physical skills. Identify one interaction that you provided to support each of the skills listed.

Q.3. Complete the following tasks:
List the physical skills on the table that are gross motor skills, fine motor skills and those that would be classed as active play.

Q.4. Locate the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Outcome that refers to children taking increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing. Summarise this Outcome. Observe children in your service during routine times and give two examples of children taking responsibility for their own health and well-being by recognizing and communicating their bodily needs.

Q.5.Refer to the Outcome mentioned in question 2, and summarise how it suggests that educators can support the children to learn hygiene practices. Provide examples of how this may be demonstrated in your workplace.

Q.6. A child is learning to talk. Give one example of how this learning could be supported by your service environment, then list a biological and an environmental factor that might result in a child having delayed speech development. Also, list two aspects of poor early childhood development that could have contributed to the child’s speech development

Task 2

Supporting social development
This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting social development.

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To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.
Q.1.Write a paragraph about how you would spend one-to-one time with Casper and extend his social experience through play. Include how you would model care, empathy, and respect.

Q.2. If Casper does not wish to participate in the experience, what could you say to him that would encourage him to participate and communicate with the other children at the table? Also, mention how you could explain to the other children why Casper is upset and does not wish to participate.

Q.3. Answer the following by giving at least one example for each.
a. What indicators would tell you that Casper was ready to join an activity or experience?
b. Explain what you would do to ensure Casper developed a trusting relationship with you.
c. Describe what you would tell Casper to say to the other children if he also wanted to use some feathers and pebbles. Explain why you would suggest this.
d. Explain what you would do if another child would not allow Casper to use the feathers and pebbles with his playdough. Explain how you would support this child to accept responsibility for their own actions.

Task 3

Supporting emotional development
This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting emotional development.


To complete this assessment task, you need:
1.access to a children’s services environment
2. You need to answer the following questions

Q.1. Provide an example of what you could say to a child who needed:
a. help to choose an appropriate behavior
b. to have feelings of frustration acknowledged
c. to see a mistake as a way to learn
d. to express their feelings appropriately
e. their efforts supported?

Q.2.Explain how you would display children’s artwork in a positive way that includes sharing with parents. You may provide a photo and write a detailed explanation that includes why the display will ensure children experience pride and confidence in their achievements.

Q.3. If a child has difficulty persevering with an experience, explain how you could assist them.

Task 4

Support cognitive development
This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting cognitive development


To complete this assessment task, you need:
1.access to a children’s services environment
2. to ensure you maintain confidentiality as required

Q.1. Observe a child and their skills. Discuss how you can identify their emerging skills and how the child indicates to you that the skill is emerging. Include in your discussion how this learning could be scaffolded and how the child’s peers can contribute to the scaffolding.

Q.2. Choose an experience that focuses on numbers, matching and sorting and is suited to a child of preschool age. Use a range of materials and resources to set up the experience. Provide a photograph and a brief description of the experience, including:
1. what you expect the child to do
2. an example of how exploration and problem-solving is supported
3. an example of how the experience contributes to brain development
4. Technology that could be used to extend this experience.

Task 5

Supporting communication development
This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in supporting communication development.


1. access to a children’s services environment
2.You need to answer the following questions

Q.1. Prepare to implement a group experience with preschoolers using a storybook and a puppet or prop. Choose a book and provide a summary of the proposed experience. In the summary, list the title, author, and illustrator of the book. To ensure that the book is appropriate, provide a brief explanation regarding the following:
Age-appropriateness of the text, pictures, and overall content
The appeal, length, and complexity of the story
Attractiveness of the illustrations
Provide a brief explanation of why this book was chosen, what props will be used and how the experience will be implemented.

Q.2. Include the following in a summary about how you will engage and interest the children in the story:
1. Questions you could ask before, during and at the end of the story
2. Ways to interest the children in symbols, numbers, letters, and words in the book
Topics that may occur during or after this story

Q.3. Ask your supervisor to provide a feedback review of how you implemented the storybook experience. Create a table similar to the following to record the feedback.

Date and name of Supervisor
The story and materials were appropriate.

The children were engaged in the story.

You altered your plans to meet the needs and interests of the children.

You modeled appropriate language and communication strategies, including listening

You answered questions clearly

How you drew attention to the relationship between letters and sounds

Q.4. Choose a language other than English that you could share with children and describe three ways that you could share this language or words from this language.

Q.5.Explain one way that you could encourage the use of home languages

Task 6

Creating an environment for holistic learning and development
This assessment task is planned to assess your in creating an environment for holistic learning and development.


To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. You need to answer the following questions
Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.

Q.1. Provide a summary of how this experience could be used to initiate and extend the children’s inquiry process. Discuss what resources and materials could be used to support theexperience and how the children could be intrigued or surprised. Discuss what age group this experience suits and what topics of conversation may stimulate their thinking and interest.

Q.2. In a paragraph, discuss how you would support Benjamin to see the mistake as an opportunity to learn. Include how you would support him through discussion and scaffolding to learn from this experience. Ask your colleague to review your experience and provide feedback to you on this and any adjustments that you could make to the experience in the future.

Q.3. Describe two things about your service that demonstrates that children belong and are connected to your service. Include how families and parents contribute to your center’s learning community and how you encourage involvement if the family is not involved.

Q.4. Which parts of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and The ECA Code of Ethics apply to a child’s belonging and connectedness?


Workplace Task 1

Q.1.Look at the weekly program in each room of your service and list the age range of the children in each room and the physical development activities that have been programmed for them

Q.2.What would you do if you notice a child having difficulty during one of the physical development activities programmed?

Workplace Task 2

Q.1.What strategies do you and the other educators use to support children who are having trouble making friends?

Q.2. How is the room you are in setting out to encourage social interaction?

Q.3. How do you model care, empathy, and respect for the children in your care?

Workplace Task 3

Q.1. How do you and your fellow educators support the emotional development of the children in your care?

Q.2.What strategies do use to help children solve the conflict?

Workplace Task 4

Q.1.How do the educators in your service support the development of the of babies?

Q.2.When children start at your service that cannot speak English, what do you and the other educators do to communicate with that child?

Q.3. Think of three stories you could read or tell that would be age appropriate for the group you work with.
A.Remember to include what age group this is.
B. Use the following selection criteria to identify whether each of the three books is suited to the children:
C. The text and pictures are age appropriate:
a.infants and toddlers: looking at pictures and labeling
b. pre-schoolers: rhythmic, relates to life experiences, interactive
D. The content is age appropriate:
a.infants: simple pictures and words
b.toddlers:short stories
c. pre-schoolers: more complex stories
E. The story is appealing and not too complicated or long
F.  The illustrations are attractive or interesting

Task 8

This assessment activity is designed to assess your skills and knowledge across the whole unit CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in early childhood.


To complete this assessment activity, you need:
1.access to a children’s services environment
2.to complete the tasks outlined and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organization
3. to ensure you maintain confidentiality as required.

Q.1. Give an example of one experience for each aspect listed in the following table. Provide an interaction example that you could use to involve the children in this experience. Create a table similar to the following to record your answers. An example has been provided for you
Using fine motor skills,

For example, drawskills, crayons
For example, ‘What are you going to draw today?
Using gross motor skills

One-to-one time with children

Joining in play

Encouraging children to respect each other’s differences

Using problem-solving skills


Finding out about a concept

Selected, read and told developmentally appropriate stories

Used puppets and props to stimulate children’s enjoyment of language and literature

Explore symbols and patterns

Explore the relationship between letters and sounds

Discovering letters and words

Discovering numbers, time, money, musical notation

Providing challenges, intrigue and surprise

Q.2.This question is made up of parts a–e. Think about the routines that are used in the bathroom. Outline a routine in which the children need to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing:
A. List three skills the children need to acquire to complete this routine successfully.
B. Explain at least two ways that you might intentionally scaffold any emerging skills.
a. What bathroom routine task could a child feel frustrated about? Explain at least one way you would provide acknowledgment and support to the child.
b. What activity in the bathroom routine could cause a child to feel they have made a mistake? Describe one way that you could encourage a child to see this mistake as an opportunity to learn and explain how could you support the child to persevere with the challenge.
C. Describe one way you could you include a child’s linguistic heritage in the bathroom routine.

Q.2.This question is made up of parts a–e. Think about the routines that are used in the bathroom. Outline a routine in which the children need to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing:
a. List three skills the children need to acquire to complete this routine successfully.
b. Explain at least two ways that you might intentionally scaffold any emerging skills.
c. What bathroom routine task could a child feel frustrated about? Explain at least one way you would provide acknowledgment and support to the child.
d. What activity in the bathroom routine could cause a child to feel they have made a mistake? Describe one way that you could encourage a child to see this mistake as an opportunity to learn and explain how could you support the child to persevere with the challenge.
e. Describe one way you could you include a child’s linguistic heritage in the bathroom routine.

Q.3. Provide an example of five environmental effects that can have an impact on early childhood development.

Q.4. Access the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics. Locate the statement that relates to sharing of information with colleagues. Document this point, and provide an example of how you have demonstrated this within your workplace

Q.5.. During a mealtime, Mario throws another child’s plate and the food splatters over the floor. He is 3 years old. What are two things you would do to help Mario understand that he must take responsibility for his actions?

Q.6. Nathan and his family are new to your service. Give two examples of how you can model care, empathy and respect, and describe one way that you could involve Nathan’s family in the learning community and support their feeling of belonging and connectedness.

Q.7. Declan, 3 years old, is crying. He wants to use the large shovel, but Claire, 4 years old, won’t give it to him. Give at least one example of how you could help him to communicate.

Q.8. Camille is watching other children play. What do you do? Explain why.

Q.9. Tessa is 4 years old. She is upset because another child has broken her toy. She is stamping her feet and yelling. Explain what choices you would give Tessa to help her express her feelings appropriately

Q.10.Violet has completed a complex drawing. Discuss how you would share Violet’s success with her family and how you could reinforce Violet’s confidence and pride

Q.11. Mia is 4 years old. She is interested in dinosaurs. You have decided to read Rascal in trouble by Paul Jennings. Summarise what props you would use to complement the story and list three questions you could ask Mia during the story. Also, include in your summary two questions that Mia may ask you as a result of the story and how you would introduce the inquiry process to Mia

Q.12Aiden and Nicole, both 3 years old, are sitting with you at morning tea. You would like to model good communication and initiate a discussion with them to extend their thinking. List four questions you could ask them and two ways you will show you are listening to them.

Q.13. Juniper is 2 years old. She is not yet walking. List two environmental aspects that may have influenced Juniper’s ability to walk and research biological factors that may cause her to have a delay in walking. Include the source (for example, the website) of the information you found and a brief summary of the findings.

Q.14. In the following questions, refer to the guideline on the left and provide a brief explanation regarding how it relates to learning and development.
National Quality Standard (NQS)
1.Which standard of the NQS links to learning opportunities within routines?
Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
2.Which principle of the EYLF expects that you share information and reflect with colleagues?
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
3.Which article of the UNCRC links to the child’s right to leisure and play?
Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics
4.Which point from the Code of Ethics relates to the holistic nature of children’s learning?

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