Thursday, 8 February 2018

CHCPRT001 | Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk | Health

Section 1 – 

This section provides you with an overview of the skills and knowledge that you require to show in the assessment tasks. The assessment overview also provides you with information about the assessment conditions, the assessor’s role, and the topic covered in the unit.

Topics covered

The topics covered in this unit include:
1. Reporting indications of possible risk of harm
2. Implementing work practices that support the protection of children and young people
3. Applying ethical and nurturing practices in work with children and young people

Section 2 – 

Assessment task includes questions, case studies, and work-based activities. These tasks used to show that you meet the requirements as detailed in section 1.

Challenges may face by students

Students may face several problems while completing this assessment such as Insufficient time, Lack of academic writing skills, Making an appropriate reference list. Such students can take help and required academic guidance from our subject experts and excel their grades.

Task 1

Implementing work practices that support the protection of children and young people

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in implementing work practices that support the protection of children and young people.

To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. Access to a children’s services environment
2. To answer the questions and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organization.

Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.

1. What uncharacteristic behaviors or indicators does Marcus display that could be linked with abuse?
2. Identify which form/s of abuse this uncharacteristic behaviour or indicator could be linked to
3. What open and non-leading questions could you ask Marcus to help determine if he is being harmed?
4. What circumstances indicate that Marcus is vulnerable to abuse?
5. When you consider the case study what indicates to you that abuse may be involved?
6. Summarise what organizational reporting protocols you would follow. What organization outlines the minimum standards that are required to provide adequate services and support for the child?
7. Describe three ways that you maintain confidentiality in your workplace.
8.  It is morning activity time and all staff and children have arrived. A child asks if they can go outside to the sandpit.

Response 1: 
You say ‘no’ as outside time isn’t until 10.45 am.

Response 2: You speak with the other staff and organize for some children to go outside with you
9. It is snack time. Three children have been building with blocks and, when asked to come for morning tea, they say they want to continue building.

Response 1: You ask if they are hungry or thirsty and they say no, so you leave them to continue building, but let them know that there are drinks available if needed.

Response 2: You tell them they must come and eat now because otherwise, they will miss out on snack time.
10. An infant in care is falling asleep on the floor. It is almost lunchtime.

Response 1: You take the infant to bed and save lunch for when she wakes up.

Response 2: You put the infant in her highchair and try to wake her up and feed her.
What organizational policy guides you regarding the sleep needs of the child versus the service’s routine?

11. . A parent has arrived upset this morning and this has caused her child to be concerned. The child wants to go out to the fence to wave goodbye.

Response 1: You say that this is not what we do and that the child must stay inside.

Response 2: You take the child out, as there is enough staff to supervise the other children and the child seems very concerned.
What obligation do you have to ensure the children are adequately supervised while you go outside while ensuring that the needs of the individual child are met?
12. A child has brought a small toy car into the room. Your service policy is for home toys to stay in bags, but the child cries and holds the car tightly when you explain this.

Response 1: You explain that you want the car to be safe, so maybe the child should put it in their pocket for today.

Response 2: You take the car from the child and put it on a high shelf. You say that the rules state no home toys are allowed.
What policy guides you in this response?

13. A child has experienced abuse in the past and you suggest to your co-worker that she may benefit from trauma-informed care.

Response 1: Your co-worker says that this is the role of a specialist and they prefer not to get involved.

Response 2: Your co-worker agrees and you start to use some simple strategies to support the child
14. . Your service is undergoing a restructure. Your director tells you that you will be running the room from Monday and will be in charge of another staff member.

Response 2: You feel excited as this is a great challenge and you feel important.
What obligation do you have to ensure the children are adequately supervised? 
15. A child has disclosed to you that they are being abused. What actions will you need to take in accordance with your workplace policies and procedures? In your response identify whom, and how you would report this to?

Task 2

Reporting indications of possible risk of harm

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in reporting indications of the possible risk of harm.

To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. to answer the questions and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organization

Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.

1. What information should Ronald include that is specific to the circumstances?
2. Has Ronald included all the information needed to give a holistic picture of the situation? Is the reporting non-judgmental? Use a brief paragraph to explain your answers. Also, include how Ronald can confirm what his legal obligations are.
3. Explain why Ronald should not include these thoughts in his report and how his work role obligations provide guidance about providing this information.
4. In accordance with your service policy and state or territory legislation, what should Ronald do next? Ask your supervisor for the relevant policy and describe how it supports your response.
5. . What agency in your state or territory would you contact to report suspected abuse? Create a list of the services that are appropriate to your area. Create an information sheet to go in your portfolio that includes the names and contact details.

Task 3

Applying ethical and nurturing practices in work with children and young people

This assessment task is planned to assess your knowledge and skills in applying ethical and nurturing practices.

To complete this assessment task, you need:
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. to answer the questions and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organization.

Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.

1. Explain why this is an ethical dilemma. What principle of ethical behavior must be upheld?
2. Explain why there is a breach of professional boundaries.
3. Who should you inform?
4. Which statement from the Code of Ethics relates to this situation?
5. What is one action you may take and how would you plan to resolve this situation?

Read the given case scenario and answer the following questions.
6. Explain why this is an ethical dilemma. Include what considerations must be taken into account.
7. What tips would you use to solve this ethical dilemma?
8. Which statement from the Code of Ethics relates to this situation?
9. What is one action you may take to deal with this situation?

Task 4

1.Locate your service's policy and procedure for the protection of children and young people. What steps do you need to follow if you suspect child abuse?

Task 5


This assessment activity is designed to assess your skills and knowledge across the whole unit CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk.

To complete this assessment activity, you need:
1. access to a children’s services environment
2. to complete the tasks outlined and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organization
3. to ensure you maintain confidentiality as required.

Read the given Case scenario and answer the following questions.

1.Outline two ways that child-focused actions are routinely implemented in the service. Provide an example for each of the actions.
2. Outline one example of how your service includes children in decision-making.
3. An employer has duty-of-care obligations to ensure risk is minimized for all staff members and children in their care. Discuss with your supervisor to further understand your role in providing the duty of care in your service. Document this and list at least three ways you could ensure that you uphold the duty of care in your work role in the child care environment

Read the given Case scenario and answer the following questions.
4. List three non-threatening, open-ended questions that you could ask Maxwell.
5. Describe what kind of abuse Maxwell is showing indications of and explain your answer.

Read the given Case scenario and answer the following questions.
6. What is the relevant legislation in your state or territory that applies to child abuse?
7. When responding to Maxwell’s disclosure, what guides you in your reporting procedures?
8. Your service policy will state how you need to document the information, including specific and general circumstances. Create a form that documents the following information:
His name
His age
The date of the record
Your name (as the person recording the information)
The details of the disclosure
Other relevant details that you observed at the time of the disclosure
9. Where in your service would Maxwell’s record be kept to ensure it remains confidential?
10. Which agency would you report Maxwell’s disclosure to?
11. Identify one strategy you could use with Maxwell to provide trauma-informed care.
12. How could the risk of harm impact Maxwell’s wellbeing?
13. How has Mrs. Jackson created an ethical dilemma?
14. How has Dulcie breached professional boundaries?
15. Who would you use to guide you when solving these ethical dilemmas?
16. Which article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child applies most closely to Maxwell’s situation?

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