Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Your assignment is to develop the design for the Local Farm Shop Mobile App. This design is to be a wireframe only design, at this stage.
The Local Farm Shop case study is located in Interact Resources. You need to read this case study before starting this assessment item.
Team Setup
This assignment is the first of the team assignments for this subject. The rationale for using a team approach is that most IT design and development studios work in teams of between 2-5 designers/developers for each design problem. You will be assigned to a team and the team, as a whole, will be responsible for the development of the design.

Team Member Responsibilities
Each team member will be assessed on:
    • The final design presented by the team;
    • The individual contributions that they have made to the design. This will be shown by the entries that they have made in the Team forum.
Team members should note that:
A total of 30% of the total marks for this assignment are for individual contributions. These include:
    • Reasons for the choice of design (10%), and
    • Reasoning behind the design decisions for the submitted design (20%)
A team member without any individual contributions in the Team Forum will be regarded as having not contributed to the design. This will result in either reduced marks or no marks being awarded to that team member for this assignment.
Team Tasks:
    1. Select one of the alternative designs produced by the team to be the design that will be produced.
    2. Indicate in your team forum site the reasons why this design was chosen. (10 marks)
    3. Create a set of wireframes for the Mobile App design (40 marks). This set should show:
      1. Wireframes for all pages in the Mobile App. This should also include a rudimentary payments page, even though this will probably be supplied by a payments processing firm at a later stage. This page will just act as a placeholder for the final page;
      2. All screen components for each page;
      3. Navigation between pages, such as buttons, breadcrumb trails, etc.;
      4. General placement for all items on each page. This can be in the form of a template where, for example, a table could be used to show a picture of an item, the description, the size, the artist, the price, etc.;
      5. Help functions for users,
      6. A description of the navigation path that a user would take through the Mobile App.
    4. Create a click-through prototype of your wireframes using Balsamiq Mockups Links in presentation mode (for details). When the links in your presentation mode mockup are working correctly, then export your presentation to PDF (/desktop/exporting/exporting-to-pdf). This PDF file is what you will submit for assessment. (20 marks)
    5. Write a Word document (.doc or .docx) that summarises all the design decisions for your design. The document should also indicate the reasons for each team decision. (10 marks)
    6. Indicate in your team forum site, the reasoning behind your design decisions. This reasoning must demonstrate input from each member of the team. (10 marks)
Important Note
Your assessed contribution to the team effort is worth 20% of your overall mark in this assignment.
Your team design will be given a usability evaluation by another student team in Assignment 3. Your team MUST ensure that:
    • All wireframes are as complete as possible;
    • Wireframes should contain explanatory notes about features to be further developed;
    • The wireframes are correctly linked, and the links have been tested prior to submission.
Your team should also consider the Assignment 3 tasks and requirements before submitting this assignment.
This assignment aligns with the following learning outcomes of this subject:
    • be able to identify and explain the importance of the principles of design in relation to the design of an interface;
    • be able to design a user interface to meet a given set of requirements;
    • be able to evaluate an interface to determine its effective usability and identify enhancements for improvement.
Marking criteria
Describe why your design concept was chosen
(10 marks)
Comprehensive description of design concept that includes excellent design rationaleThorough description of design concept that includes good design rationaleDetailed description of design concept that includes some design rationaleAdequate description of design conceptIncomplete or irrelevant description of design concept
Wireframes and description
(40 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that includes sketches and all component functionalityThorough description of design that includes sketches and most component functionalityDetailed description of design that includes sketches and some component functionalityAdequate description of design that includes sketches and some component functionalityIncomplete or irrelevant design and/or description
Create click-through prototype
(20 marks)
Complete walk-through prototype that demonstrates all functionalityThorough walk-through prototype that demonstrates most functionalityGood walk-through prototype that demonstrates much of the functionalityA walk-through prototype that demonstrates some functionalityWalk-through prototype that does not work or does not demonstrate functionality
Summarise design decisions
(10 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that includes sketches and all component functionalityThorough description of design that includes sketches and most component functionalityDetailed description of design that includes sketches and some component functionalityAdequate description of design that includes sketches and some component functionalityIncomplete or irrelevant design and/or description
Interaction on forum
(10 marks)
Student is actively engaging
in innovative approaches to
peer interaction that foster
deeper collaboration and co-construction
of new knowledge
Student is actively co-constructing
knowledge with
their peers through cooperation
and collaboration
Student is interacting
with peers with evidence of collaboration & moderation; engaging with discussion topics posed by peers
Some evidence of student
Interaction, with student responding to peers on the
discussion board
No evidence of interaction on forums.
Quality of forum interaction
(10 marks)
Proactively initiates and facilitates discussion, explicitly using appropriate
strategies and tools.

Initiates and facilitates
discussion using
appropriate strategies and
Evidence that there is a planned strategy to engage with peers in the forums.Some evidence of responding to questions or topics on the discussion forum.

No evidence of interaction on forums.
PresentationUp to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar
All design discussions are to be presented in a single Word document. Images of the design wireframes are to be imported into the Word document. This document is to be loaded into the Turnitin.
The prototype, in PDF format, is also to be loaded into the Turnitin.
Designs that are NOT presented as instructed will not be marked.
Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecture.

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