Wednesday, 14 February 2018


You are to develop at least two different initial concept designs that would meet the requirements of the Local Farm Shop. These designs will be wireframe only designs at this stage.
The Local Farm Shop case study is located in Interact Resources. You need to read this case study before starting this assessment item.
You will prepare a presentation for the Local Farm Shop to display your concepts as well as discuss both concepts and the recommended design.
Your Task:
    • The first is to exercise your user interface design abilities. Creativity in balancing usability with the constraints of the interface will be essential to successfully completing this assignment.
    • The second is to start thinking about WHY you chose and used certain designs or design patterns. You need to be able to discuss why your design is a good solution to the problem.
    • The design sketches for this assignment can be hand drawn. But, if you do use hand drawn sketches, then you need to ensure that they can be easily read when they are scanned into your presentation. It is highly recommended that you use the Balsamiq Mockups tool for the final copies of your concept designs.
Remember that you are sketching a concept design for an interface. Your designs are concepts that you are presenting to your client. They should not be accurate to the pixel-level.
This assignment aligns with the following learning outcomes of this subject:
    • be able to identify and explain the importance of the principles of design in relation to the design of an interface;
    • be able to design a user interface to meet a given set of requirements.
Marking criteria
Design 1 wireframes and description
(30 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that explicitly details and explains the wireframes and all component functionalityThorough description of design that details and explains the wireframes and most component functionalityDetailed description of design that generally details and explains the wireframes and some component functionalityAdequate description of design that has some detail and explains the wireframes and some component functionalityIncomplete or irrelevant description of design that has little or no detail and does not explain the wireframes and component functionality
Design 2 wireframes and description
(30 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that explicitly details wireframes and all component functionalityThorough description of design that details the wireframes and most component functionalityDetailed description of design that generally details the wireframes and some component functionalityAdequate description of design that has some detail and explains the wireframes and some component functionalityIncomplete or irrelevant description of design
Selection of design and reasoning
(40 marks)
Comprehensive exploration of reasoning for design selection. Evidence of some analysis of each advantage and disadvantage present.Thorough exploration of reasoning for design selectionDetailed exploration of reasoning for design selectionAdequate exploration of reasoning for design selectionIncomplete or irrelevant description of reasoning for design selection
PresentationUp to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar
    • All designs are to be presented in a slideshow format. You are to use either PowerPoint or Google Slides (download in .pptx format) for your presentation.
    • All designs and design discussions are to be presented in a single slide deck. All design sketches or wireframes are to be embedded into the presentation. You should consider using the speakers notes section of the slides for any additional commentary on each slide.
    • You should be prepared to present your solution as part of a tutorial.

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