Friday, 30 March 2018

32524 | LANs and Routing | Networking

Task One: Addressing the Network

The ISP provider has allocated for the two ISP links. Note that, this address space needs to be subnetted into two /30 addresses for being used on the CITY-ISP and the GLEBE-ISP links respectively. For IPv6 the 2001:50:80:120::/64 and 2001:50:80:121::/64 addresses the two links to the ISP.
As part of the network redesign, the AIT has allocated and 2001:DB8:CA5E::/52 for the internal network addressing. Note that each of the below user groups at different sites will be on their unique IP networks.

Business Intelligence and Analytics | Business


  1. you write a consolidated document for the *group*(this is the document you would give to your client as consultants - clients do not particularly care about who did what part...). NB: you are writing for a senior person - please do not give lengthy introductions... The structure of the document is roughly governed by the deliverables described in the assignment specification, however, I accept any meaningful structure (think about making sure I can easily find the markable components!)

MATH 4043 | Probability & Data | Mathematics


  • This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade and is due at 12pm 7th of April.
  • Submission is online and through Gradebook on the Learnonline website.
  • Assignments will be marked and returned online via Gradebook.
  • R output will be required to be produced for some of the solutions.
  • Your answers should be typed and submitted as a PDF.
  • The marks for each question are displayed next to the question.
  • The assignment is worth a total of 90 marks.
  • A late submission will attract a penalty of 10% of maximum marks available per day, or part thereof, if the assignment is late. The cut-off time is 5pm each day.

INFS 5095 | Big Data | Information Technology

About this Assignment
This assignment is giving you practice in matching business needs to data-technology solutions and being able to communicate that. You could imagine you are a big data consultant who has been asked to give a presentation to a group of organisations who are considering whether to invest in big data. Assume that the audience know little about IoT (Internet of Things) or big data.
However, the assignment is not just a sales pitch – you have to demonstrate that you know what you are talking about, back up your arguments with evidence, communicate new concepts and demonstrate to the audience that you have an understanding of how IoT is used in businesses enough to recommend a specific technology.

Question | Mathematics

Advanced Topics in Digital Security | Information Security

Advanced Topics in Digital Security Pass Task 4.1: Assignment 1 Submission Overview Should be done by 1 April.

Research Report

Write a formal document (3,000 words minimum) based on your research on vulnerabilities discovered in 2017.
  1. You should find three vulnerabilities in three severity levels — one in Medium, one in High and one in Critical.
  2. Derive their CVSS 3.0 Base scores using the algorithm, and validate your calculation results by comparing yours and the ones produced by the online calculator.
  3. Compare the three vulnerabilities with our examples (Spectre, Meltdown, EternalBlue), list the similarities and differences.

Technical Research and Concept Generation | Research

Assignment: 1B – Market research, technical research and concept generation

Remote Island | Information technology

Assignment 1 FINAL

Version 3, 16 March, 2018
Due Friday 23 March, 2018, 8pm via Blackboard.
The submission links will open a week or so before the assignment is due, and by that time we should have ironed any bugs out in the specification.
Note that each part will have a separate submission link – this makes it easier to divide the marking job among the tutors.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

6112ICT/7113ICT | Critical Analysis and Problem Definition Report | Research

careerbuilder-original-3018Part 1. (20%) A critical analysis of two research papers chosen by the student in her/his topic area

and agreed to by the course convener.   The papers should address research questions relevant to the
student’s intended area of research. The discussion for each paper will be evaluated according to
how the following points are addressed:

Research Report on Film | Information Systems


Your introduction should tell us what the report is about and why it was written.
It may also contain:
  • clarification of your chosen industry: for example, if you chose “Security and risk management of films”, which ones/types did you focus on?
  • the definition of Security and risk management.

MIS772 | Data Exploration and Classification in Rapidminer | Predictive Analytics

images11Executive summary (one page)

This report is unique and is the result of individual effort by the author listed above.Any part of this report that bears resemblance to another students’ report will be treated as plagiarism.
Ensure that all contents throughout needs to be readable and the font should be no smaller than Arial 10 points.
In the report include here only those results that are most significant for your analysis and recommendations.

ICT90003 | Applied Research Methods | Research


The aim of this task is to demonstrate your ability to find useful resources regarding current research in an area of professional interest to you, as well as your ability to convey information in a written form about those resources and structure a short report, including referencing.
The learning outcomes covered by this task include:

MGMT20143 | Business Model Deconstruction | Business Research

imagesTask Description:

To be completed individually, you are required to prepare a business report that deconstructs an organisation’s business model and identifies the critical success factors that make the business sustainable. To undertake this analysis, you will need to explore different business models, including those that are frequently seen to achieve sustainable success and high levels of profitability. Your analysis will demonstrate your critical thinking skills and your ability to professionally articulate your findings.

HES6793 | Assignment One Construction Law | Law


You are the Principal Engineering Consultant employed by  Brownwood Mining and Power ( BMP). BMP operates a large open cut mine which has been established for some 50 years  and is close to residential areas. As the mine is quite old it is not very profitable to operate.

COIT20251 | Assessment 1 | Information Technology


  • Understand the core competences of a Business Analyst
  • Understand the skills that should be developed
  • Identify the need for external and internal environment analysis
  • Explore tools and techniques for requirements elicitation and reporting

Law504 | Assignment 1 and 2 | Law



You must write an answer to the problem-type question below, using the ILAC (Issues, Law, Application, Conclusion) format, a worked example of which is in the Resources folder. 

In this subject, assignments are marked on-line, using an adapted MS Word programme. You therefore MUST submit your assignment in Word format, NOT as a PDF document. If you submit in PDF it will not be able to be marked.
If you think you may need and extension for this assignment, please read the rules relating to extensions in the Subject Outline before applying for an extension. 

CIS5100 | Database Management System (DBMS) & Decision Support System (DSS) | DBMS


Task 1: Personal Research Journal (max. 500 words)    10%
Prepare a journal that records your activities and progress related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following:
  • Date of research activity/discussion
  • Full description of research activity / discussion (at least 25 words)
  • List of all appropriate web sites visited to collect information; other references accessed (using Harvard AGPS Referencing style – submitted separate to the List of References in Task 2).
  • Time duration of the activity

FEIT Graduate Attributes | Information technology


Needs, context and systems
Engineering and IT take place within the larger context of society and the environment, which encompasses social, economic and sustainability needs. Graduates should be able to:
  1. identify, interpret and analyse stakeholder needs
  2. establish priorities and goals
  3. identify constraintsuncertainties and risk of the system (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business, etc).

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

CIS5200 | Professional Skills for Systems Analysis Assignment 1 Report | Professional Skills


Assignment 1 Details
Students are expected to identify their “real-world” organisation. If some students do not have access to a “real-world” organisation, a fictitious organisation based on a real world organisation will be acceptable.
Finding a “real-world” organisation:
  • If you are linked to an organisation (government or private organisation for an example) ask what the need for improving the performance level or the process flow (for example; sales, order, or payment process), choose the highest priority and work around that.



  • To professionally implement an ICT-related project and communicate the analysis and evaluation with stakeholders;
  • To describe and demonstrate understanding of the project and how it supports a business or organisational need;
  • To identify appropriate objectives and learning strategies to achieve future goals and project success.

MCIS 5133 | Submit a Project Report | Database Project

.....jpgIn this project you will design a database information system for an institution (a company, school, supermarket, video store, etc.) of your choice. You should work on this project in teams. Each team consists of three to five students.
Choose any DBMS software to implement your project.
You have to submit a project report by the end of the last week of this semester.
The project report should effectively communicate everything that you have done in the project. It should describe the problem / environment, what you proposed to do, the scope of the project, and of course everything from the diagrams to the final queries. Importantly, the final project report should stand out a one integrated work.

INFS 5057| Project Management for IT Professionals | Project management


This task is to be done individually.
Assignments will be returned to you within two to three weeks of submission.
Feedback on this assignment will be provided via a rubric which will be available on the course website.
Please read the assessment summary and assessment details sections of your course outline booklet carefully for further information relating to assessment in this course.

PUN451 | Disaster Management | Management


Disasters are events which profoundly disrupt human systems. The cause may be natural, human-created or a combination, but the impact on the social, economic, environmental and technological context defines the nature of disaster. Effective management of disasters requires people who can advise, lead, and enable individuals/communities/organisations to prepare for, respond to and recover from the impacts of disasters. Individuals responsible for planning,

MCIS 5133 | Database Management Systems | Database


In this project you will design a database information system for an institution (a company, school, supermarket, video store, etc.) of your choice. You should work on this project in teams. Each team consists of three to five students.
Choose any DBMS software to implement your project.

MCIS 5103 | Advanced Programming Concepts | JAVA


  1. The system shall ingest student_grades_input.txt (see next page). This comma delimited input text file contains the names and grades of 30 students. Each student has grades for six assignments: 3
  2. The system shall compute the final numerical grade for each student using the following:
final_numerical_grade = 0.45*[(HW1+HW2+HW3)/3] + 0.25*Project + 0.30*[(Midterm+Final)/2]

Assessment 3A Baseline | Project Management


Task: You are to complete a number of guided reflective activities. Where possible, time will be provided during workshops to complete these activities.  
Your engagement in these activities demonstrated by the provision of responses as per the baseline template form the basis of this assessment.

Increasing use of Social Media Sites | Management

Increasing use of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, provides employers and recruiters with a source of information about applicants. Recruiters may wish to have access to applicants’ social media sites to determine whether a candidate would be a good fit for the organisation. The focus of this assignment is on exploring your views on the use of social media in the selection process (and the vetting process), its advantages, limitations and consequences. The scenario provided below presents a practical and an ethical dilemma for recruiters as social media blurs the line between what is public and what is private.

CIS5308 | Management of IT Services Report 1 | Information Technology

......jpgReport 1 Specification
Report 1 requires you to watch a webinar video, then draw on the course materials and research relevant academic sources (e.g. textbook, journal/ conference papers) to prepare a report as per the requirements presented below.
Case study: Why you need ISO/IEC 20000 to ensure success?
In this video, Mr. Saikat Basu discusses his consultation experience in delivering successful ISO/IEC 20000 implementation case study. Mr. Basu sets a context for discussion by introducing ISO/IEC 20000, then introduces the case study organisation, an external IT service provider headquartered in India. Furthermore, Mr. Basu highlights the business benefits achieved after successful ISO/IEC 20000 certification.

FIT5083 | Wireless Network Design Report | Network Technologies

ccA wireless network design report

  • You should supply the following information in response to the RFP:
  • Project requirements brief derived from Objectives and Scope of Work section of the RFP. A requirement brief is usually an itemized list of the client’s requirements derived from the ERP.
  • Wired-LAN, WLAN design for a typical floor, which includes the following information.

BET 310 | Assignment 1 Construction Law | Law

......jpgQuestion 1

Search Larsson v Priftis case on, analyse what was the problem ? and what was the ruling ? do you agree with the ruling ? if yes, why and if no, why? Give evidence from case details.
Submission Due: 20/03/2018 at 6:30pm via Moodle.
Attach cover sheet.

SOC10236 | Assignment 3 Ethics and Sustainability Analysis | Sustainable Futures


Assessment tasks
  1. Select one important sustainability issue of global significance and express this issue in no more than one short sentence (2 marks).
    Note: you cannot select ‘climate change’ (or global warming) as your sustainability issue as this is the issue chosen for the demonstration example provided in the online discussion.
  2. Describe the main environmental elements of your chosen global sustainability issue   (5 marks).
  3. Describe the critical social elements of this global sustainability issue (5 marks)

SOC10236 | Assignment 2 Non Consequential Ethical Analysis | Sustainable Futurs

hzxhdgcj.jpgAssignment 1.

  1. Identify 3 virtues relevant to the analysis of your specific ethical question. Define each virtue in no more than one sentence.     (3 marks)
  2. Discuss the morality of the act central to your ethical question by comparison with your 3 chosen virtues.      (2 marks)

SOC10236 | Applied Ethics and Sustainability | Sustainable Futures


Applied-Ethics.jpgAssessment details

Assignment due dates and the examination period provided here apply to the Australian study period. These may be varied for students studying elsewhere, please confirm dates with your local tutor.

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