Saturday, 3 February 2018

PROJ6003 | Project Execution and Control | Information Technology


During project execution, project managers ensure that project work is completed as specified in the Project Management Plan and according to project requirements. Requirements may change throughout the course of a project. Changes need to be controlled, ensuring all of their impacts upon the project are managed effectively and are incorporated into existing management plans and project baselines.
The process of directing and managing project work requires project managers to take on numerous responsibilities and to exhibit characteristics such as attention to detail, constant communication and effective leadership.


For this Assessment, refer to the assessmentcase study, modules 1 and 2 learning resourcesand the project schedule you have created in module 1. Students will be allocated into groups by your learning facilitator on Blackboard.
There are two parts for this assessment: 1 Discussion Forum (Part A) that prepares students to write a Change Management Plan (Part B).
Each student will construct an original response in approximately 350 words to the following questions and post on the Modulediscussion forums by the end of Module 1.
Each student will also provide constructive feedback in 250 words to at least two peers’ posts by the first half of Module 2 (approximately 250 words for each feedback/response. Total 500 words)

Part A: Module 1-2 Discussion Forums

Managing Project Changes
Why is change management a necessary component of project management?What processes or strategies do you think work best to manage project change?
Recall any tools or techniques you have used to stay organised and keep professional projects on track. Perhaps you created schedules using software like ProjectLibre or Microsoft Project. Or, potentially, you created a task list using MS Word or an application on your mobile device. Maybe, you used an issue tracking software to monitor progress. How have these tools and techniques helped you to manage change?


Part A- provide an original post by the end of Module 1. Respond to at least two fellow students’ posts by the first half of Module 2.

Part B: Change ManagementPlan

Based upon your readings and discussions on change control, in group or individual, develop a change management plan. In your plan,
  1. Identify and analysethe time,cost and quality impacts of the change upon the project and the techniques used to manage them
  2. Identify options to satisfy the change request and any associated risksfor each change
  3. Complete thechange request/control form provided or one that is used from a workplace.
  4. Explain the term scope creep and use examples from your group discussions of tools and techniques that can be used to manage scope creep.
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The written part of your Change Management Plan(each group member must provide a report for their roleand in the group assessment) should consist of 800-1000 words.
If you work in group, nominate a group leader and this group leader will submit the assessment on behalf of the group.
At the end of thisassessment, students will individually, and anonymously, review and rate the contributionof all the members in theirgroup for this assessment, using the Group Contribution Form provided. On a scale of 1 to 10, students will anonymously rate themselves and each of their fellow group members on their performance and contribution to this assessment.Individually submit the completed group contribution form on Blackboard.


Complete and submit your Change Management assessmentand your group contribution form by the end of Module 2.
Learning Resources:
Heldman, K. (2013). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide (7th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley
  • Chapter 8:Developing the Project Team (Read the section on ‘Directing and Managing Project Work’)
  • Chapter 10: Measuring and Controlling Project Performance (Read the section on ‘Managing Perform Integrated Change Control’)
  • Chapter 11: Controlling Work Results (Read the sections from ‘Managing Cost Changes’ to and including ‘Validating Project Scope’)
ProjectLibre. (n.d.). ProjectLibre: Open source replacement of Microsoft Project [Software download].
  • Section 3.5: Executing Process Group
  • Section 3.6: Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
  • Section 4.3: Direct and Manage Project Work
  • Section 4.4: Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Section 4.5: Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Section 5.5: Validate Scope
  • Section 5.6: Control Scope
  • Section 6.7: Control Schedule
  • Section 7.4: Control Costs
  • Section 11.6: Control Risks
Snyder, C. S. (2013). A project manager’s book of forms: A companion to the PMBOK guide (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
  • Change Log Template (Word document)
  • Change Management Plan Template (Word document)
  • Change Request Template (Word document)
Wysocki, R. K. (2012). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme (6th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
  • Chapter 6:How to Launch a TPM Project(sections ‘Recruiting the Project Team’ to ‘Assigning Resources’).
  • Chapter 7: How to Monitor and Control a TPM (Read the sections from ‘Managing Project Status Meetings’ to and including ‘Putting It All Together’).

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